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Everything posted by TallinaBoyz

  1. did ec win?
  2. [quote]Let a doe walk yesterday at 7:15 due to the fact she kept looking back as if being followed by Mr. Muy Grande... 9:15 still applauding my efforts for not pulling the trigger and possibly blowing an opportunity at a nice buck... 2:15 pissed I did not smoke that ol gal!!!![/quote] ;D
  3. [quote]sweet!  i'm headed out this evening and taking a 4-day weekend.  [b]any sign of the rut yet?[/b]  i've heard rumors that it's starting already.[/quote] When I went last weekend four does were at the feeder and a buck came out chasing after them with no regards for the corn.
  4. haha! I would never think to do something like that
  5. Amazing story. He was in it for the right reasons and won it. Congrats
  6. Saw eight this past weekend. Passed up two big does. Saw two six points not quite wide enough
  7. [quote]Why would anyone over 7' have to shoot a fade away, unless hes one of those White Men that cant jump, Or is it that he avoides contact at all cost?? But you are right he does have great skill for a 7 footer but the game is won in the paint, and [b]he cant play there  [/b] [/quote] Are you kidding? He cant play in the paint? Go look up his stats. He can just about play from where ever he wants too.
  8. [quote]you bet cant wait to see the boys in Blue go down again. I see Romo got a ring this summer , [b]Thats the only way he ll ever get one  [/b] [/quote] HAHA!!! ;D  :D
  9. [quote]Why would anyone 7'4 have to shoot a fade away??? Unless he is scared to make contact  Just like the first time they lost to the heat, the game plain is to knock him down a few times and he starts chocking  Typical Europen player, soft and weak inside. Have you ever seen anyone over 7 foot ever have to shoot a fade away??[/quote] Why if you were 7'0 foot and had the talent would you not shoot fad-a-ways? It gives you more versatility. He can dominate from 14 foot out or right at the rim. Let me rephrase your question. Have you ever seen a 7 footer in the league today have the ability to do it as effective as Dirk can?
  10. [quote]Can you duck hunt on Lake Conroe?? I thought that it was legal but you have to comply with all other laws like your shot can't cross a property line without prior written consent, etc.[/quote] thank you
  11. Can you duck hunt on Lake Conroe??
  12. Im taking Dallas over Miami in either 6 or seven games
  13. [quote]Spend a little time on the lake w/a good fish locator and you'll likely find structure.I know of 5 tournament fisherman that every year after Christmas sink hundreds of left over xmas trees near creek channels,just out from boat docks and near rip rap areas.Rip rap holds fish early & late so give it a try.Flip the boat docks for a few bass.Good luck[/quote] Thanks
  14. [quote]There was no push for Rayburn intil Toledo was selected.[/quote] The last two have been at Rayburn. I started the thread about the "Next Tournament" talking about Rayburn not Toledo. It doesnt matter to me which one you guys pick. I can only maybe make Rayburn though. We just need to pin this thing down
  15. Idk if I can make Toledo but I could make Rayburn
  16. so now that stuff has changed can you refresh the information at the top?
  17. Rick Adelman or Brian Shaw?? Which do you guys think would do better?
  18. [quote]I thought June 11th was the date.  Not many tournaments up there then.  That is 50.00 at Team, 25.00 each.  Not that big of an enty fee.  50.00 will make it worth the winners wild to go up there.[/quote] Im fine with $50 and June 11th and Chippy we can post another thread closer to time making sure every one is still attending? We have had more saying they are going this year so idk it might just be different
  19. [quote]That makes 4.  I'm cool with the $60 cause I'll get it back when I win this thing, lol.[/quote] You might get it back but the people that lose wont lol :D im fine with $30 and a separate $10 for the big bass pot. And are you guys thinking pay when you get there? And what dates sound conveinent?
  20. IMO $60 is to much. I was thinkin $25 or $30 and pay when you get there and then a separate $10 for big bass JMO
  21. Buccaneer3 and partner
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