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L-Town Stunners

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Everything posted by L-Town Stunners

  1. aLL THIS CRAP HAS MADE ALOT OF REGULAR POSTERS CANCEL THERE ACcOUNT osue BC and I think others and some will follow .Please send this complaint about T12 and few other mods by PM to Jdawg03 please This was an PM I received from bag right before he deleted his account. I forwarded this to jdawg03 like asked with no response. Others might understand the situation had the other topics that started this whole thing not been locked up and then deleted. Tigers12 PM'd questioning my comments and said it had been six months since his last post. Numerous posts from other posters were deleted, and a member (BAG FAN) was called out publicly and warned when it should have been done privately. That warning topic was also locked up and deleted. Like another poster said, the football forum was ten times worse than this but it went on for pages before mods had to step in. Some in here need to stop wearing their feelings on their sleeves.
  2. OHHHHHHHHH.......Bases, not bass the fish. I thought you were telling us how to catch three fish with a bat. MY BAD!!!!!!!!
  3. The sad thing about the "secret" thing is if Dayton loses before Lumberton in the playoffs, then we will never hear the end of the "secret meeting" and use that as an excuse. I personally feel that anyone from here on out that even mentions the "SECRET MEETING" be it someone from Lumberton or Dayton, first time poster or regular poster, be banned from this forum for six months. I figure it would take Dayton fans that long to get over and forget and admit who is the better team. Just my two cents.
  4. 27-8 Lumberton Lumberton scored, Ozen blocked extra point and ran it back for 2 points.
  5. I doubt Lumberton will get respect. I am sure there is some good excuse why Central lost.
  6. Ballgame!!!! 35-14 Lumberton Way to go Raiders!!! Congratulations!!!!
  7. 35-14 Lumberton 3 minutes to go
  8. No you won't. If they lose, they will still post the same amount. And they wonder why all the other schools and fans bash them. All the threads that have been started just alone for this game is unreal and entirely too much. But hey, they didn't learn last year, so why should this year be any different. : :
  9. I'll be so glad when these "Lumberton will win state" threads stop popping up. You have to crawl before you can walk. How about just winning a playoff spot first, then maybe next year win district and go deep into the playoffs? :
  10. How come is it that every time a thread is started about Lumberton football it always starts as a positive discussion and always ends up being a bashing from other schools and Lumberton players running their heads and bumping their gums? And now ya'll have even drug the coach into the bashing. You can tell Coach C don't look at this forum. You think after last years forum wars and the final record ya'll would have learned your lessons. Guess not. :-[
  11. First off fan, all I've read on this thread is mostly PLAYERS talking. Second off, all I read last year on the threads were mostly PLAYERS talking. Son, you need to respect your elders and stop telling the fans ( mostly parents and adults ) to shut up or be quiet. Last year, expectations were at a all time high. New coach, new system, new attitude, the undefeated team from pee-wee, the list went on and on. When the season was over, and after a 4-6 record along with having 1 player run for over 400 yards on you the last game of the year, you PLAYERS started a thread about " wait till next year " and " we're gonna make the playoffs next year ". WHY?? I could understand if ya'll went 9-1 and barely missed the playoffs, but you went 4-6!!!! Hell, Ozen beat you for their only win last year. My advice to all the players..... Let your actions speak for you on the field, not in these kinds of forums. If you get on here talking about playoffs or winning seasons or who your gonna beat and how bad, be prepared for the bashing and picking. Again, show YOUR elders and YOUR fans respect and stop telling them to shut up!!!
  12. Back and better than ever!!!!!! ;D 8)
  13. WOW!!!!! I stayed away for six months hoping the Lumberton winning season topic would not pop up. Boy was I wrong. It wasn't started by a player or fan, but it sure was hijacked by them. Did ya'll not learn from your boasting and gum bumping last year??? Please let your words be spoken on the field this year. My prediction 5-5 record My upset prediction Lumberton beats Central 21-20
  14. ??? ??? ??? Please click your spell check for future post!!!!!
  15. Best Stadium : Barbers Hill Worst Stadium : Sabine Pass before Rita. Only reason was visitors side. Packed like a can of sardines!!!!! Ain't been on for a while, so to all I say........ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
  16. In Reality, its not funny. IT'S SAD cause someone ain't got nothin better to do but start stuff with people he/she has nothing to do with. My suggestion is he better get a life of some sort before he gets a hold of something he can't handle.!!!!!!! If you have a problem with LUMBERTON FANS, then maybe you need to show your face and hash this out.
  17. Mosley - Nederland Merry Christmas to all!!!!!
  18. Moody - LC-M Coach Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!
  19. Mosley, hands down. Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!
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