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L-Town Stunners

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Everything posted by L-Town Stunners

  1. Dronett played for the Falcons, Broncos,and Lions. Matt Bryant also played briefly for Dallas Kevin Smith from WO-S played whole career for Cowboys. Zack Bronson from Jasper played for 49ers. Frank Middleton played for Tampa Bay ( I think ).
  2. Part of your problem is your a AGGIE FAN!!!!!!! LONGHORNS #1
  3. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  4. First off, I was making fun of the person that made up this make believe topic. Second off, I'll quote whoever I want, when I want. There was no need to bring up any negative comments about Lumberton. Just goes to show there is CLASS up in east texas minus the C-L!!!!!! If you don't want to be quoted, then don't type.
  5. WOW!!!!! What pretty colors!!!!!!!
  6. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  7. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: One day you'll grow up!!!!! And to think, this is the generation that will be running the country one day!!!
  8. Its just payback for all the mouthing ya'll did with us on our threads before and after we played ya'll. :shock: I just glad PN-G fans don't have to travel to watch the butt whippin' ya'll are about to receive. Dayton 48 PN-G 14 Oh, its "COMING" not comming. Click the spell check button for future post.
  9. I haven't seen Mosley yet, get to witness that friday, but I would have to say the best I've seen so far would be Brad Croak or the RB from Dayton ( Sorry, I forgot his name ).
  10. Coach Moody or Hooks. Coach Creduer should get a pat on the back for what he's done with Lumberton, put just a pat. My opinion, too many coaches in area to just pick one. Maybe the question should be "Coach of the Year" each class.
  11. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I Agree!!!!! Where's the bashing???? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  12. Even though there are still two weeks left in the regular season, I would like to be one of the first to congradulate all the players, coaches, staffs, parents and school districts for a very fun and fulfilling season. Good luck to all the teams that make the playoff, I hope you go deep into the playoffs and make southeast texas proud. To the teams that don't, better luck next year. I hope all the seniors on all the teams in the area remember this season and seasons past whether you won or lost and smile when looking back.
  13. WOW!!!! When was all this rank posting taking place???? Probably when hometown folks were defending the honor!!!!!!:evil: :evil: :evil:
  14. Lumberton has never been in their exsistance!!!!!!! Hopefully in the next couple of years that will change!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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