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Everything posted by Anafanatic

  1. Don't think so, but don't let that stop you!
  2. EC -- 35 D'ville -- 12
  3. I say Buna wins the cat bowl...however, I think "The Litter Box" sounds better!!! Good luck to both teams!
  4. I shouldn't say anything, but hardin82 that was the most ridiculous post I have ever seen. Not to mention that all the cockiness is coming from other nations (+1 for you stangbacker!) and not Anahuac. Instead of going back in time, try going forward. Don't throw out BS from 10yrs ago dude, seriously, it makes you look immature. Make sure you have all the details straight before you go dissing my panthers for comments that other people are making. Panthers take this one. The bye week will end up hurting your hornets more than helping them - so good luck!
  5. Thanks for supporting your district counterpart once the playoffs arrive - it's this type of mentality that's kept Hardin starting basketball earlier over the years. I don't think you truly know2much, but maybe just 2big4britches is a better handle! While Anahuac should win this game, no matter what happens the Panthers will support the other 2 teams that reach the playoffs!
  6. Anybody know why Cody Johnson, starting quarterback didn't play? Flu, disciplinary, etc??? Not that backup Cameron Mitchell had a bad game, just curious!
  7. Panthers - 34 Hornets - 22
  8. don't know, i'm not there!
  9. keep it up panthers!
  10. sounds like the hawks are just playing them tough - wildcats seem to have them on their heels now.
  11. 21-14 Wildcats - LF another long run!
  12. This looks about right...
  13. Bulldogs - 62 Longhorns - 6
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