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Posts posted by WTB

  1. Hathaway doesnt belong on that list. If it was an off the bus first list then all the way and I think Jacob Hanna should be there somewhere because the guy carried the team into the playoffs.

    1) Charles

    2) Micheal

    3) Mosely

    4) Hussey

    5) Franks

    6) Garrett

    7) Hanna

    8) Feacher

    9) Smith

    10) McQueen

    If you did research then the list would go all over the place because as I typed I remebered people and I'm sure I forgot people.

  2. get a sub to orangebloods. that information I put down is from Mushchamp.

    I have nothing against the kid but all the practice reports raved about Okafor and talked about how far ahead he was. The guy is gonna be a true freshman and is a freak. They talked about him being in the 2deep by the time the season starts next year. Johnson getting moved to TE doesnt lend itself to the coaches thinking he will contribute alot. Plus with Eddie Jones is coming back from injury and they have already said that he will be in the rotation.

  3. no hes not Kindles back up. right now its Kindle and Acho then Eddie Jones and Russell Carter/ Alex Okafor (true freshman STUD) they have also experimented with Emmaunl Acho and Jared Norton being used like Sergio Kindle was last year. Eddie Jones sat out the spring thats why he wasnt there.

    They are looking at moving Johnson and another end to TE next season to help with depth there.

  4. Maybe Mena improved alot but his sophmore and Jr year he didnt give us any problems and we single blocked him all day.

    Larry Haynes isnt my head coach but I am amused about your comments saying Hardin cant play football when they have to put on pads. When you get some time go check Larry Haynes's resume.

    by the way whats a Legion in Hardin county? I think I know what you ment but He has coached in other places besides Hardin but you must be bigtime to be talking all this trash on him.

  5. Seems like their coaches are doing a good job to me. Your a New Caney supporter correct?? If I was you I would be hoping New Caney would have the kind of seasons Hardin is having.

    and If I went to a 2A school and just put it on a 4A or 5A I might get in your ear about it too. But hey football players arent always nice and nethier is the game so maybe thats why your spending your time whining about a team bettering themselves.

  6. I wanna say Hardin actually went to the playoffs the last 2 years. Before that they couldnt beat PeeWee teams. Yall are ethier really jealous or just haters in general. Last season they had a whole new team and lost their best WR to an ACL injury early in the season and didnt find their QB till late in the year.

    Why do yall dog them for doing a good job of running their offense in 7 on 7? Some of you need to worry about the success of your own team.

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