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Everything posted by WTB

  1. nah but I know everyone wants the guy. Derek Edwards uncle post alot on Orangebloods and talks alot about Brenham kids. Sounds like yall are loaded and had a new DE from Wisconsin move in who is suppose to be huge and a beast.
  2. lol you know as well as I do you can never have enough good OL and DL. Plus after watching M. Brown the other night Im convinced 2 is better. Interesting you hear UT is at the top.
  3. Brenhamfan, have you talked your Malcom Brown into coming to UT yet?
  4. I like the other 2 though dont get me wrong and I think they will do well in college. Right Texas puts out more D1 starting QBs than anyone.
  5. Im gonna go with UT's judgement on this one. Ash does the most with less. Before him Belton was horrible.
  6. According to the best College team in Texas Ash is the best. Johnnie Manzeil is good but not even close I laugh at that one. Also you do realize Belton lost most of their team last year and Ash did what he did the other night with hardly any returning starters. JW Walsh plays for a LOADED Denton Guyer team. D1 kids everywhere. These things kinda matter in football
  7. You do realize Belton's QB is arguably the best QB in Texas
  8. Ryans dad is correct. This is why people shouldnt name kids or parents in negative post. ALOT of people read these boards besides the ones who post.
  9. Raideroldertimer- you have questions the coaches a few times mainly on Hughes playing QB. I might have over reacted but I hate when people disrespect coaches who spend 7 days a week working for a team/town. These guys dont deserve to be questioned after what they did for Lumberton. This is a place that expects to be in the playoffs every year after 48 years of nothing yet we hear about speculation from people who cut lawns for a living.
  10. Land95- just to let you know we are currently in the year 2010. Not 5,10,15 or 20 years ago. No one cares who you beat in 1978
  11. David Ash actually played for Coach Fuller in middle school when he was the DC/middleschool cordinator at little river acdemy
  12. raideroldtimer, go back and think about the way things were before Creadur. I promise you that coaching staff knows better than you on how to coach that team
  13. How did Texas commit David Ash look? hes the QB from Belton
  14. Lumberton had 308 rushing 127 passing Ryan Hughes 7/12 127  1 td   103 rush 2 tds Ryan Asher  155 rush 2tds I think Cody Gutierrez went 8/8 on pats lol much improved from last year
  15. Asher ran very well. for the person who wanted to know nethier him nor hughes played in the 2nd half
  16. The first scrimmage of the year isnt much to judge on. in 2007 Lumberton looked real bad against a not good HF and ended up winning the district and going 3 rounds deep. I think BC is much improved and i dont think Lumberton is heading for the cellar. Lumberton was missing the Leftside of their OL and one of there starting DTs. Im sure BC had some injuries too so u cant really take to much out of such a controled enviroment.
  17. Bueller? Bueller?
  18. Coach Price is a heck of a coach. HF will be better for it.
  19. Has been Assistant Varsity boys coach at Hardin the last 3 yrs, Played at Lumberton when they made the basketball playoffs and a All District Post player for Lumberton back in 99-01, I have never seen a 6 ft 3 post play as hard as him and he's the only guy that I have seen literally shut down Kendrick Perkins in HS,he will bring a defensive attitude to Deweyville and is team will be a hard nose team that will play hard throughout the whole game. He was Coach By Chris Mcclain who has 2 state girls Titles at Kennard and Coach Mitchell does alot of stuff that Coach Mcclain does. He comes from Lumberton was a super star Baseball player that played at the College Level, but loves the game of Basketball and wants to pursue his career in that. Deweyville got them a good young coach.
  20. Brenhamfan knows what hes talking about when it comes to Brenham. Hes related to the Edwards kid whos going to tech. UT doesnt "Officially" give out offers till their first Jr day but there are rumors that elite recruits have offers for months but are asked not to make any announcements of having one or committing.
  21. Congrats to Josh and Deweyville. Josh will do a great job!!
  22. Wesley of PA needs to cross UT off his list because they are full at WR. Brenhamfan i didnt realize your the same one from Orangebloods
  23. Malcom Brown is the best and whoever said he is a soft verbal to atm must think hes suicidal. Traylon Shead is not better than Brown
  24. raideroldtimer you must be related to the back up qb bc thats the craziest thing ive ever heard. Purkes is a very good back up but he not on Hughe's level. Also Ryan is not near the athlete Jacob or Cody was. Hes a good scrambler bc hes a tough kid but hes not a running back. Please quit making silly comments about someone whining to Coaches bc u have no idea what your talking about.
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