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Everything posted by COACH1UP

  1. why do i hear people talk about wos like its the best place in texas when it come s to football?
  2. i think character isn't the issue at ozen we had 8 guys sign scholarship to play at college universities(not including the ones who signed after signing day) so character isnt the problem the only problem at ozen is wins PERIOD we need to win ball games at this point and if your not doing that then you dont need the job i think nelson would be a great hire he will bring the spread offense to ozen and its what the players have been wanting ever since they've played varsity ball and if he comes they'll get it i dont think VY is ready to take over a head coaching position well maybe so just not at ozen he is a really good coach with great connections though ARE YOU SERIOUS !!! ONE OF THOSE SIGNESS made the front page for getting busted with weed and that IS NOT A CHARACTER ISSUE ?GET REAL. Since when did the number of signess account for character?
  3. I think this one might be over The principal was seen escorting Nelson around campus this one might be over folks
  4. Who would you hire? How do you turn that program around?
  5. I agree character develpoment is paramount and I believe when a head coach hits Ozen that understands that the program will take off. I believe Coach Young undestands that. Does anyone have any info on this nelson guy ?
  6. Did you thin Bisd has made any quality head coaching hires? cowboy?
  7. That is the trend within this area/(promote from within) I dont think Ozen has had any luck doing it either way.
  8. The community wants wins and dosent want to bring their kids to practice and then expects them to play and start. There are about 100 coaches none of which are on the staff .There is more emphasis placed on the magnet programs at Ozen than anything else. The kids are not in the athletic periods the entire year or at all. The school chews coaches up and spits them out !
  9. G.A. great coach, great guy, needs to hang up the whistle and go play golf.
  10. From my source it was the Rison/Johnson show. Does anybody know more about this nelson guy ?
  11. now that some time has passed any new leads on the new OZEN COACH ? I think Verril Young has a strong chance!
  13. What about VERRILL YOUNG !?
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