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  1. It's really hard to argue that a team has more talent than another team when getting beat 42-7.  Heart certainly matters but unless one team is completely laying down (which is not what I'm getting from this game) then it sounds like Jasper has more talent on the field.
  2. Didn't see this game so I can't comment about what happened tonight.  Having said that I find it laughable that Kirbyville fans would call anyone else's team classless.  After everything that went on with Jack Alvarez Kirbyville has no room to talk when it comes to showing character.
  3. It's game time bulldogs!  Let's do this!
  4. Those are some nice, high quality photos.  :)
  5. Jasper gets the ball back with just over 2 minutes to go and Lumberton only has 1 timeout left.
  6. [quote name="SFAlumberjack13" post="1042109" timestamp="1314414061"] They got lucky they couldn't advance the fumble. [/quote]agreed
  7. Jasper made a huge mistake and tried to field a punt.  Botched it and Lumberton recovers with just over 3 minutes left.
  8. Touchdown Jasper!!! Jasper - 35 Lumberton - 21 About 5 minutes left.
  9. Jasper's gonna have to score because they can't stop the Raider's ground attack.
  10. [quote name="soonerbeintexas" post="872385" timestamp="1286827772"] Try being constructive and offering positive alternatives and you might be surprised to see a change for the better. [/quote] It's not always that simple sooner.  As a fan I have every right to be critical of the coaching staff if I feel they are not doing a good job, which I don't think they are this year.  I do not say anything negative about specific kids, but if the talent is not there I will say so. And about being positive, about the only thing positive I can say about this year's team is that they can't help but go up from here.  That may be somewhat harsh, but it's the truth.
  11. [quote name="BLUETIC99" post="870075" timestamp="1286600654"] I HONESTLY DON'T THINK JASPER COACHING STAFF HAS MADE A SECOND HALF ADJUSTMENT THIS WHOLE YEAR !!!!  WHAT EVER THEY DO IN THE FIRST HALF IS WHAT YOU SEE THE WHOLE GAME. I'VE ALSO NOTICED SEVERAL OF THE COACHES LOOKING TOTALLY LOST ON THAT SIDELINE "NO CLUE"  THIS IS JUST MY OBSERVATION OF THE WHOLE YEAR, I COULD INDEED BE WRONG.  [/quote]If that's the case (I haven't seen a game myself this year) then that's on the head coach.  It starts at the top and works it's way down.  A good head coach also coaches and trains the other coaches around him.
  12. How in the world is this the same coaching staff from last year? ???
  13. [quote name="SFAlumberjack13" post="838186" timestamp="1283568408"] Jaspers qb is fast but don't you think its messed up when the qb is standing on the bench because he can't see over people? He can't even see over the o linemen. [/quote]I remember several years when it's been that way.  This is a young team and they are showing it tonight.
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