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Everything posted by Jasperdog94

  1. They've got the same number of championships as the oilers too. :wink:
  2. lol...I don't see Jasper putting up 42 on many people. Especially early in the season.
  3. Thanks for the vote of confidence in giving Jasper 10.
  4. When are school districts going to stop trying to become the parents? Oh...when parents actually start parenting? Nevermind...
  5. I'm looking forward to the Jasper/BH game. Sooooo much smack the past few years from Jody and RBarker. 8)
  6. Injuries play a huge part of the game at this level as well. You lose 1 or 2 starters and that has a serious impact on your team. Some teams have the depth to overcome it, but most don't in 3A and under.
  7. Congrats on the win last year. What's the series record now? 3-1 Jasper?
  8. Yeah. Congrats on beating a team that lost thier star QB to the hurricane and whose backup had the flu. Ya'll weren't so hot when you lost your starting QB either. But time will tell...
  9. When was the last time you guys played 15 games? (just messing with ya)
  10. Thank you UIL. We need free agency in high school athletics. :roll:
  11. Congrats to Silsbee on the win.
  12. That's going to be a tough loss.
  13. I've got a buddy that wants to go on Conroe tomorrow afternoon. I'm just not sure that I want to battle the 24mph wind gusts late in the afternoon. :?
  14. My biggest was only 8# but it was 28 inches long! That dude was about as skinny as you can get. I caught it back when Lake Raven (Huntsville State Park) had grass in it. Before the poisoning and the carp. :cry:
  15. I've never had much luck with a beetle spin. I guess I've just never stuck with it for that long.
  16. Conroe has also made a big comeback recently. Some nice stringers have been caught lately. Now if they would just leave the grass alone.
  17. If you really think this is about safety, then you haven't been following this story very closely.
  18. Stranger things have happened, but I don't think they will either.
  19. GJ has his own website. Plus the comments his mother made. If you want to read about it go here: [Hidden Content]
  20. I seem to get this little twitch in my shoulder. And funny thing is I can only seem to find one cure. 8)
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