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Everything posted by Jasperdog94

  1. When I was in college at SFA, the team lined up in punt formation. But instead of punting, the punter threw the ball downfield. BUT, there was a punter on the sideline that punted the ball into a net at the same time as the punter on the field threw the ball. When the "receiver" was trying to catch the ball, he was blocked. Pass interference - 15 yards - FIRST DOWN!!!
  2. Thanks Scalp'em. It's just not right to see Jasper with a 2-8 record.
  3. Thanks for the report! ;D
  4. Whoa!!! One game at a time there scooter.
  5. Now that's what I've been waiting to hear! 8)
  6. Does Jasper have enough kids to field a Fresh, JV, and Varsity?
  7. True about ol' Dave. I forget which team, but there's one team that's ranked above a district opponent in the top 25 but below them in the district outlook. Go figure. I just like the magazine for it's info on returning players and such.
  8. Anyone been to Lake Livingston lately? I need to know if the whites ever started their summer schooling pattern. All that rain in July kept the lake temp down, but I'm hoping some of this hot weather in August stirred them up.
  9. I was talking to a guy here in New Caney the other day and he said a couple of weekends ago they were night fishing on Conroe and they caught 17 catfish over 20 pounds!!! :o
  10. At one point there was talk about Jasper's stadium not being compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Maybe that's what they are working on?
  11. They have that much respect for Coach Brooks...as do I! ;D
  12. Are the games being played at the intramural fields?
  13. Great 1st inning!!! Keep it coming dogs!!!
  14. I wonder if the radio announcer is right behind home plate. He might not be able to tell.
  15. Are they crowding the plate or is Ellis just off?
  16. What does this do to graduation plans?
  17. I don't know what's worse....listening to it pitch by pitch or just hitting "refresh" every 30 seconds!
  18. Yeah. A run or two sure would help my anxiety level.
  19. I sure wish I could listen to this game. I get a error message every time I try to listen to the radio stream.
  20. You guys will be surprised! ;D ;D ;D
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