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Everything posted by Jasperdog94

  1. Under Walkoviak Jasper's offense was as predictable as it gets. Run left, sweep right, run up the middle, punt. We might throw in a screen pass or a 50 yard bomb just to try to keep people honest, but that's about it.
  2. Oh, okay. I knew somebody from WOS would correct me if I was wrong on that one.
  3. I would have a difficult time being an official for certain games. The first time an official cussed me he'd get a warning. The second time it would be a penalty. The third time I'd toss 'em.
  4. I think that fit the old style of Jasper play. I'm not sure that it's quite as predictable....unless you're K'ville.
  5. I remember the "guard around" play that is now illegal. WOS used that play in the playoffs in 86 against Jasper on their way to the state championship game. I think Jasper was the only team to beat them that year in the regular season, but I'm not sure about that. That was a tough loss that year.
  6. Thanks. I've often wondered what other people thought about our coaches. I've run the chains on the sidelines for numerous Jasper games and seen some great coaching and some terrible coaching. Some coaches can get the best out of their players without all the cussing and poor sportsmanship. Others....well you get the idea.
  7. Let's just say they had to shave before the game and at halftime just to keep their eligibility.
  8. Do not, I repeat, do not feed the birds. :shock:
  9. How about we do some fishing first. Then we'll eat what we catch.
  10. I thought Coach Quillen retired.
  11. You need any help "showing Jody the town"?
  12. This is a great idea if you are a football fan in general. It's terrible if you just follow your school. (Which is what most people do.)
  13. Doesn't Livingston do that too?
  14. I was waiting for someone to mention Jasper's parking. :wink:
  15. As far as rivalries go, I've always looked forward to the WOS games. They had our number in the late 80's and early 90's, but we've gone back and forth the past several years.
  16. Nope, but they did do us a favor and water the field 24/7 the week of the game. :x 8)
  17. I've got the Shirley Q version of the WOS fight song, WOS school song, Bridge City fight song, and LCM fight song. Some are on tape but I think I have some on cd. Those are my favorite.
  18. So you are familiar with that name?
  19. Shirley Q. Liquor. The one and only.
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