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  1. Its always amazed me how you can take these young men that have some of the fiercest rivalrys in the state of Texas, tell them here is the team you are on we dont practice and you better have fun. The only thing we get out of this is some of the best High School baseball you will ever see. My hat is off to all the people that make this happen from players to coaches to concession stand to parents.
  2. Pretty sure that is a first. So if they hit one out to center does it count as 3? Go Mid County bring it home.
  3. My son has played for coach Fackler in the past and I agree that he knows baseball and loves players.As for the rest of your comment Sir or Madam.
  4. Do you think its cuz Nederland has lights and we can actually see centerfield???
  5. Best of luck Taylor.We always enjoyed watching you play and having you around.
  6. Fun game to watch.People are missing out on a good time by not coming out to see these guys play.
  7. You are right about the sharks and gafftops.We fished from Chenier to end of jetties Sunday morning and ended up with a few flounder and specs.Oh yeah i also see the lady fish are out in numbers.
  8. With all this rain any ideas on where to fish tomorrow?
  9. Keep playing hard,lets win this and move on.
  10. Congrats Jude,Seems like the hotter the weather the hotter Your bat is.Keep on swingin.
  11. Congrats 18 year olds.Hang tough 16s Wharton as always is a tough competitor.Good luck in Arkansas 18s.
  12. Watched former Wharton Babe Ruth baseball player Sean Hollis pitch against Lamar tonight.Being the proud former host parents of this great young man we cant explain the feeling you get watching a player you were privileged to house and treat as one of your own play at the next level.If you are ever asked to be a host parent jump at the opportunity,it is something you will never forget.
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