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  1. I hope the next thing he gets is tickets out of Town I find it funny that you created a profile to comment on this situation only. Sounds like you might have been a bench warmer at a sucky football school. It's ok, not everybody was meant to play football. Maybe you should try checkers or something. No I wasn't a benchwarmer as a matter of fact
  2. Ditto I hope the next thing he gets is tickets out of Town
  3. Your talking about a program that has not made the playoffs since what 1957? And you are worried about wins? Coach Fortune is a good man and football Coach. You have to have the talent and last I checked not much to work with. I agree Coach Fortune is a great guy. I played for the , he has never run the right offense for the kids he had, and like prev. posted same kids with at everything else makes you wonder if its the COACH, or just the community. Then again All it mattered was how much your mom or dad was up at the school kissing his
  4. I cant Believe it took this long
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