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Everything posted by Slimpickens

  1. It's okay WOS, I've been like that since I turned 40... ;D ;D  I'm still hoping to get that frontal labotamy reversed soon....
  2. Great play, Orange Crush, made your drive worth while. ;) ;) Good Road Trip! ;D
  3. LCM over Central in 3
  4. With Lamar and Highschool football going on, we may never know. Not a thing in the local papers or news......  :-X
  5. Livingston over LCM  25-19, 26-24, 25-17 WOW, This is a surprise, anybody offer any insight?
  6. Been staying quite, but it is nice that LCM is at least in the running this year. I believe they will go better than .500 this year in district.  ;) ;)
  7. Good luck to all....I believe we have some district games starting tonight.
  8. I thought basketball started later in the season.... :-\ :D
  9. LCM over Westbrook in 3
  10. Going to be tough with football starting tonight....Good luck to all!!
  11. Byron Nelson Tournament - Dallas area -  LCM, and ?  This is all I see on their schedule.
  12. WOS, you've put a lot of time and effort into the Volleyball Thread. Thanks for your time you have spent on it. ;D ;D
  13. Thanks to the Orange Crush Community, Michele Rigsby has given a verbal commitment to Paris Jr. College. All Credit given to all the Orange Crush gang. Thompson, Cole, Birdwell/Brown and all the assistant coaches that have helped her game thru the years.
  14. Don't be scared, I'll do it for you, " It would appear that Kingwood Park -DOMINATED- Silsbee!" Must have a really strong program, one to watch thru the season. Are they 5A?
  15. Tournament starts today, anybody over there able to keep us updated? Thanks
  16. Hey Guys! Thought we were talking Volleyball here, how bout the matches from LCM/HF? Thought both teams really did a great job.
  17. LCM over H-F in four games
  18. And, does it ever end? :) :D   
  19. Nice job on the clock WOS. This should be a exciting season for all. Can't wait to see if the 20-4A predictions pan out.
  20. How bout    " BABE Zaharias Stadium "  
  21. Think I'll go down to Walley World today. We could use a door greeter with the talent he has. Think I'll offer him , say, $10 hr. It should a a good investment for any team.......
  22. Have not heard a Challenge like that in a while ;) ;) Just whom being called out? ???
  23. Well Guru, go ahead and tell use how you really feel, while your on the subject!!!
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