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Everything posted by 34sDad

  1. Dang right everyone knows they re playing hard....noone had bailed on them but you so common with it.....I appreciate the fact that you think Drew is a fine back, we think alike on that. But for you to just wash the whole season because of last night is totally irrational. In all reality... BH was 1 play away from winning that game last night against a faster a very much bigger team. There was a dropped pass in the end zone...34 dropped a couple of big ones...BH was played hard, didnt quit, and was never really out of it. When you said that Jasper should have won 41-6 gives the impression that BH team was totally out of it the whole game and thats not true. As bad as it seemed at times, they were only down by 8 with less than a minute to go. They moved the ball and had chances. They didnt capitalize and it cost them. Over the next few weeks they will make the plays they arent making now. I dont know and dont care who you are but you can expect push back from me for a while when it come to this team......Later
  2. No he should of had 'em...but he knows it and the thing that makes me proud is that noone can be harder on him than he is to himself... Thanks and see ya'll next week! CMON BH!!
  3. I think its crazy to say that BH won't make the playoff this year based on this game. Are you just trying reverse psychology or what? Theres a ton of talent there but its very inexperienced. Tonight was a big learning experience for them. BH kept shooting themselves in the foot all night but couldnt come up with the plays in the end.... Bradshaw did a great job in the second half in relief of Carmona, and BH had chances to take the game back but not scoring from the 3 yard line and few dropped passes were big. Everyone that made mistakes know what they did and learned from it.These young men aint gonna lay down and quit after 1 bad game. Uncharacteristic play and misques sealed their fate... this game. You sound like a typical houston area sports fan where if your team loses a game you wash them out until they win a couple... then youre back on the wagon. If I knew who you were I'd kick you off the wagon when they are headed to the post season...because I believe in them THIS year. Good game Jasper and Good luck........BH remember the taste of losing. It's not a good feeling. If you hate to lose then your you will accomplish more than some think you are capaple of. LATER
  4. #33 will be back soon..... hopefully vs. Jasper. #34..... run hard!!!.. the whole BH team will jell soon enough. LEts GO!!!! BH
  5. No predicted score here. I just know after the Wharton game that BH Defense is a hard hittin' bunch of players. So far there hasnt been any grab and lay 'em down tackles. Its a solid young D that will only get better every week. Offense is far better than we expected I think. Carmona's QB play will only get better, O-Line is solid, a heavy dose of #34 and the Hill wins this I think. From the box score against Livingston it looks like they have more trouble holding the ball than we did.
  6. No predicted score here. I just know after the Wharton game that BH Defense is a hard hittin' bunch of players. So far there hasnt been any grab and lay 'em down tackles. Its a solid young D that will only get better every week. Offense is far better than we expected I think. Carmona's QB play will only get better, O-Line is solid, a heavy dose of #34 and the Hill wins this I think. From the box score against Livingston it looks like they have more trouble holding the ball than we did.
  7. Great job last night BH. Alot of questions were answered last night. Only returning 5 starters from last year was a worry to some (ok a bunch) of BH fans, but after last night I think it is clear that they are a very talented team still. Still alot of misques, missed opportunities, alot of places to improve, but I'm feeling real good about this season.
  8. Game day the eagles will be ready....no doubt...there going to give 110%.. i say 24 - 14...plus joe sexton is back in the line up...or so im told... thats a big part of the D that BH hasnt had yet... O line is coming together as well...be ready for a show....it'll be a good one! GO EAGLES!
  9. Just for the record..... 34sdad isnt BH34's dad. lol. I asked my 34 and he said it aint him.
  10. Hopefully its not too bad. Get well JOJO.... we need ya!!
  11. Be nice to meet some of yall. If you are going and want to meet let me know.
  12. 5,6, & 7pm
  13. I fully agree. I hope BH can have a good scrimmage vs. WOS this Saturday.
  14. Yeah I agree. BH kids played their heart out vs. Central. Both sides knew they were in a heckofa football game that night.
  15. Well I've been working alot so today was the first practice I have gotten to go to. I dont have much time right now so heres a brief run down. QB's both looked ok. I think Carmona may have the edge with his arm strength. Bradshaw is an all-district DB so maybe he will be able to concentrate on that. O-Line is bigger than I expected. 2 experience Lineman in Ponder and Peterson with the other 3 coming up from JV i think. RB Little is quick, fast in the open feild, and has bulked up some since last year. I dont know who the WR's are yet. LB's Sexton and Mercentel look very solid and ready to lay some hits down. A big group of DB's out there lead by Bradshaw as the main returner. Looks as if they like to lay the hits on as well. Coach Byrd and Horn are pounding them hard in learning their techniques. D-Line looks solid with Icet returning but moving to d-line. I'll get to watch more next week.
  16. Sorry to hear about the concussion last year. We are looking forward to seeing yall again as well. good luck to yalls season. except week 0 of course.
  17. From personal experience, I don't think its fair at all. I didnt play fresh through junior years in HS because my heart just wasnt in it. I wanted to concentrate on track, and I did. Had track during last period when everyone else was in off season. I was working my butt off too just in a different sport. Then my buds at the end of the junior year convinced me to come play my senior year. I didnt start out 1st on the depth chart, but was given the chance to work my ass of to get there. I did end up starting at TE and ended up with many offers from colleges. So with all that said, I say let them come out, let them compete, If they are good enough and their heart is on competitive fire, Let them help your team be better. Just my opinion
  18. I agree. Last year BH's success was attributed by some to the "weak district" thing. If BH win district again this year, what will it be. I've read the posts that said BH graguated 30 someting kids. and "Oh what will they do?!" kids graduate every year at every school at every level. BH has athletes coming up and if they have the drive and competitive spirit (and they do) & If the coaches prepare them right, they should be fine. The system that BH operates under is a very good one and good athletes /football players will excell in it. Coach Price, Byrd, and all the rest will make sure these young men are ready.
  19. I'm Mr. Little, not Sexton..... but thanks. It has been very very tough to deal with. Will take long time to get use to him not being there.
  20. Yes Andrew Little with the red hair..(short red hair now). By the way.... we lost my dad, Andrews grandpa this weekend. He's taking it pretty hard so please remember him (and us) is your prayers. He was so looking forward to watching Drew play this year.
  21. I'm not sure who's looking at him. I havent heard anything from my son and usually he tells me stuff like that. But being summertime I dont know if he has talked to Joe much. He and Andrew were both getting alot of questionere letters of interest last year. Surely someone is looking to grab him.
  22. Varsity boys are getting pads today...then 2adays start Aug 8th. It doesnt seem SO far away now. haha
  23. Drew is definitley fired up and getting ready. He's been working out so hard. He's weighing around 200-205 gotten his bench up to 320, squating around 450 and keeping his speed. I think all of these kids are fired up. I know alot of them have been at the school every day preparing physically. So keep up the words of inspiration (haha) get'em fired up and ready! I think alot of teams are going to look by Huffman but your right.... they are returning alot of athletes. I'm working nights so this is my entertainment for the next 2 nights. LATER
  24. Hows it going Xomerlin! I hope youre wrong on the .500 thing. Its going to be a different looking team for sure.
  25. I like BH's chances in '07. Sexton is a 3 year starter and a definite leader of the Def. Losing Swart and Cox will hurt but BH is keeping some gametime experience at LB and in the secondary. Offensivly, Im guessing Bradshaw will be QB behind a young but bigger O-Line from what I hear. Fisher and the Pattons will be missed but there are some speedy guys coming up this year. Andrew Little will be RB and play some Def. secondary. I know Joe, Andrew, and the rest are working hard and really hitting the weights and running. We're gonna miss all the guys we've enjoyed watching for a few years now, but I think this group will do fine.
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