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  1. So let me get this straight the players are ineligible right? So if they are ineligible and you play them you would get some sanctions from TAPPS correct? That is pretty simple right now...if those players play in any game for Lutheran North when the season starts there would be some sanctions I am sure there is a lot more to it and I am sure this is not the end of it, but it seems pretty simple right now to me.
  2. IMO.....that means if play those players you will face sanctions from TAPPS and if you don't play those players you won't hear a word from TAPPS.
  3. Where did I use DV's name? I was stating that at my school that is the way we do it....frankly I don't really care what happens or if anything happens to LN. Each school has to live with the decisions they make, so good luck to LN this year.
  4. I would be surprised if the AAD does not have anything to do with paperwork, that being said every school does it different, and we don't know who handles the paperwork for LN.
  5. Look I know this is a basketball forum, but come on...I know Florida defense is great, but at least we scored with Jarred Lee last year...we have yet to score more than 31 and the only reason we scored that many was a defensive and special teams touchdown......we are horrible...time for a change at the QB spot....season is over...we are not a TOP 10 team. I will say this......Bama looks good and Ole Miss just looks as bad as LSU.
  6. LAZEEK....I am not implying anything. As I stated I have no valid point other than at my school my assistant AD handles paperwork and then I sign it when it is done. Now I have a lot of trust in them, but they know if something is wrong, it is their head. On a side note.....I wish we had a QB at LSU that could actually do something with the talent that surrounds him. Someone tell me how we have THREE 6'4 WR's that were all studs in High School and we can get them the ball???
  7. Well if it is like at my school..I let my assistant AD handle all paperwork first. That is their first job to do. Most other schools are set up like that as well. I really have no valid point other than most assistant AD's in Houston handle paperwork.
  8. So are you the assistant AD at Lutheran North?
  9. Then quit getting good players to play for your school...and that will solve all your problems. Just for the record you were dropped out that tournament back in mid June (in fact June 15th would be the date)...plenty of time to find a tournament in which you would not beat the teams by more than 80. The tournament I think you are referring to was a TAPPS 1A 2A tournament, which LHS was invited because they had not been good over the past couple of years. So I can understand why you were dropped from that tournament. (That is if we are talking about the same tournament). That is not a bad thing to me, just shows you got some good players in that need to be challenged with better players than TAPPS 1A and 2A players.
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