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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. GO PIRATES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. O.K. anybody that goes 10-0 deserves some recognition so GREAT JOB BH and best of luck against the JAGS. Hope its a good one !
  3. Never heard of it. What is it ?
  4. Rankings mean NOTHING till the year is over and you have ONE Champion ! And I'll bet all three teams from your district are done after Friday. WEAK WEAK WEAK
  5. Anything can happen in the playoffs ! Good luck Dogs
  6. Sometimes its not the coach but the SCHOOL thats to blame. I know that Vidor has the athletes and I know Jeff is a good FB coach. Maybe its the school that won't allow him to coach his team the way he wants. I am not from Vidor so I don't know the situation. But I do know that administrators and school board members can be a problem for any coach.......... Where's Piratefan ?
  7. FOOTBAL 24/7/365, Hey, I don't have a problem with that !
  8. Good Football player !!!!!!!!!
  9. Yep, I look for them to polish off Crosby and move on.
  10. You may be right but its still a big deal to be in the playoffs and have a shot............I like the DOGS this week !
  11. Vince Lombardi had a rule that said: " What you see here what you say here........ What you hear here let it stay here .........When you leave here It's a bunch of crap, the kids folks are probably trying to get some $$$$ and that stinks ! I think most of us have seen much worse.
  12. It's just a bad deal for everybody. Hate to see it happen.
  13. Playoffs ...............Defense..................Wins.....................DAYTON !!!!!!!!
  14. Players must believe in their coach and what he is trying to accomplish. It's so hard for kids to see the light when your losing. Kids have a hard time looking down the road. And the coach has to believe in what he is doing...........they should talk with other coaches who have been down that road..............trust me, they all have. And if they haven't yet.......their time is coming. We must have FAITH. In God, and whatever else we believe in !
  15. I like the Dogs this week but thats it
  16. AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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