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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. I would really like to see some SETX teams play Louisiana schools. It would be tricky though (with the officials) if played in La. They do have some outstanding schools and I think they could compete.
  2. I really don't know what "new coaches " has to do with a players speed. But in case you were wondering, I have seen PNG play many times and have never seen TEAM SPEED. You have to understand when you say "speed & quickness" people usually think of WOS or Jasper or Central or Memorial. Careful what you smoke in your pipe my indian friend.
  3. It was too many numbers for O'l George to add up......Plus I think he's an Aggie too !
  4. NAH
  5. Give him a break Bronco.....He does aggie math !
  6. Yes it was Sheldon Smith.... and I remember that Nederland was celebrating like the game was over. WOS got the ball and Nederland was in a REGULAR DEFENSE with only a few seconds left and Smith just ran right past em for the TD catch.
  7. Without question....WOS has the finest looking helmets !
  8. newindian said it. He must have been smoking toxic mushrooms in his peace pipe. Or else he was talkin' about Central or WOS !
  9. 1-Dayton 2-Nederland 3-PNG However, Central has the athletes to do it again but must be more disiplined.
  10. Since when is png known for speed ? NEVER ! It is a good football program with probably the best school spirit in the WORLD.........but give me a break with the "speed kills"
  11. Scooter, You have NO IDEA what you are about to walk into ! every WOS game should be rated "R" for violence (must be 18 to attend) Good Luck
  12. I believe that the Mustangs went undefeated that year until the Championship game. They did however, beat Bay City that year who went on to win the title in big school 4A.
  13. RUDY........ because its a true story about a kid with HEART ! Did not see Friday night lights, read the book, it was o.k. Someone needs to do a movie on Vince Lombardi !
  14. But if you can't score.......YOU CAN'T WIN ! Just pickin' on you Zoneblock
  15. Yea your right, I need to give my own boys a plug, sorry ! I just remember those guys from Vidor because I started at linbacker when we played them and I was about 165, they were huge. I must mention Ricky "RAT" Viator also and center Jeff Williams. Those guys plus Johnny Trahan & Jeff Viator did a great job, so thanks men !
  16. This is a great post ! These guys work their tails off in the trenches and never get to score or get the glory. A good offensive linemen, I believe Defines TEAM sports. They are willing to bust their butts all for the TEAM while knowing all along that they will have no individual glory.....They only want to WIN ! In the late 70s ,Vidor had an AWSOME group of linemen. I do not remember their names (sorry) but they did win district in 1977 or 78. Someone must remember some names ?
  17. WOW ! Since we both agree on the major difference of flag vs tackle now. Please tell me what is so different about t-ball vs baseball....other than the fact that the kids are extremely young and they hit off a tee. The rules are slightly different to prevent kids from running wild on the bases but its the same game. Plus like I said in an earlier post, the tempo of t-ball & baseball gradually increases as the kid grow and mature, but its the same game. I do respect your opinion, I'm just trying to understand it.
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