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Everything posted by Lucky

  1. Thats great except its west coast time. what time does it start ?
  2. I would personally like to thank all the Lumberton folks out there for making my week at work sooo much fun ! Good luck Friday nite !
  3. YES and we all mearsure a teams success by their JV results !
  4. Tezeno was not huge but he was definitley not small ! He was big enough to play D1 ball. You must be thinkin of Kevin smith, he was on the same team and he was 100 an nothing.... but he could play too. Zeno was probably 170 or 180 his Sr. year. Lets hear it from one of his x coaches. Foreman or T would know in a heartbeat.
  5. I saw on kogt a picture of youth football and their was this kid named Tezeno wearing number 23.....I vote Yes
  6. I do not like homecomings !
  7. Piratefan, You gotta givem a couple of days to lick their wounds.
  8. In fact I think kids should play soccer instead of flag, then when they try out for football they will understand its a different sport. ( I am not a soccer fan but its great for speed and footwork) But flag football is not the same game that your taking your kids to see on Friday night !
  9. I'll second that one, TEZINO was special !
  10. Mchale I think they start at 7 or 8 years old and thats about right for most kids. As far as baseball goes........Its the same ! If they are on the right track they should always hit off a tee as well as live arm. I am not a big fan of the machine but it will throw strikes. The game of baseball gradually picks up as the kids mature. But flag football and tackle are two differnt sports in my opinion. Flag is like touch, but in TACKLE...... next thing you know somebodys got a busted mouth or a broke leg
  11. Who is the HARDEST HITTING SETX player you ever saw................. past or present ?
  12. Which team talks the most TRASH or which fans brag the most ? (I couldn't resist)
  13. Here we go again talking about pee wee and Jr. high ! NOBODY CARES ! WE only want to hear about VARSITY streaks !
  14. I actually prefer offense. It is a great feeling to run over defenders and score TDs. There was this one guy I remember who could really punish defenses, .................. Earl Campbell Never witnessed anything like it in my life. Saw him play UH his senior year at Texas and couldn't believe what I was seeing. It looked like a grown man was playing against a group of kids. They could not tackle him !
  15. Your on the wrong post jmarc. We are talking about that impressive streak of 3-0 here !
  16. MY GOSH ! They have never lost a game since pee wee and now they are playing their first varsity season ! Why should they even play the game, just go ahead and give them the TX 4A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY
  17. I thought we were talking about VARSITY FOOTBALL ! Now you are back on the pee wee Jr. high stuff. WHAT IS THEIR STREAK AT THE VARSITY LEVEL ?
  18. I agree, He does an outstanding job !
  19. The coaches ultimately define winning programs. Great coaches know how to build winners out of average athletes. But it never hurts to have a few hosses !
  20. How long is this streak ? You must be talking about wins last year too because 3 in a row is not really a streak worth mentioning.
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