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All Day

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Everything posted by All Day

  1. yes please do. your a great manager but a horrible critic. see you saturday mornin in the locker room Bud. #24
  2. West Hardin vs. Bridge City is on the September 3rd. In BC or West Hardin?
  3. your the one that just said that one of their teammates is nowhere close all 3 of them speedwise.
  4. what you mean put them out there?
  5. Ill put money on it that he is. You've obviously never seen him run.
  6. sounds like a plan. ;D
  7. ive been in the Midnight Madness since we got it started and its almost as fun as homecoming. it makes even better when you look up at the stands and you see basically the whole town watching us just practice. i encourage anyone and everyone to try an make the trip to Rebel Stadium on the 7th to see Midnight Madness. Its a great way to kick off the season. #24
  8. when and where will this game be?
  9. oh my bad. ppl kept callin him mcadams. but he's a real good coach i learned alot from him in the 3 days i was there, and ive been playin CB since little league.
  10. i really dont know. i went to A&M for their football camp back in June and he was there. he played corner back in the day for A&M and now he's the CB coach for the Aggies. He looks like an older version of Tiger Woods no joke. just wonderin if you knew him.
  12. hey sherm, you wudnt happen to know a Coach McAdams over at A&M wud you?
  13. that cud be possible, especially since the dropped down to 2A this past year. good luck to the Cats this year.
  14. Cant wait for the H-D/Evadale game in Evadale. one of the three big games in 23A which will decide the district champs. the other two big games will be Evadale/WH in West Hardin and H-D/HW i think in West Hardin as well. got sum big 1A games comin this year, get ready! just figured id throw in sum small school action while yall are talkin bout the "Heavyweights". ;D ;D ;D
  15. Just hope nobody breaks anything in one of the first two games and has to miss an entire season, been there, done that and its not fun at all. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY! 8)
  16. thanks joharr, i believe its a good title for the the season. ;D
  17. dascoon, have even seen any of these play? or you just runnin your head
  18. I really hope you all don't but win,lose, or draw, I will always support you kids, And all that know me, know that is fact. I may be loud and eat your butts out some times but I am allways proud of all of you. yeah i hear you yellin at us 99% of the time. BUT you do support each and every one of us, even to the extent of gettin thrown out of a game just to have our back. So i cant wait till the lights come on and hear ya up in the stands hollerin summore. :D
  19. we wont leave you out to dry Joe...
  20. those are gonna look awesome!!
  21. ill say the Evadale/H-D, Evadale/W-H, and W-H/H-D games. all three of those games will determine district champ. we'll call it the 23-1A "gaunlet". whoever wins the gaunlet, wins district. goodluck to everybody in the district...
  22. at least come up with some new smack talk and not the same ol boring stuff. its gettin kinda old guy.
  23. It wont happen to Evadale either...
  24. i dont recall that either Nappytime, at least not from where i was standin and i was standin pretty close. and Evadale players dont talk trash to other teams faces bout how bad we beat them.
  25. i think H-D55 is kinda funny. its gonna be kinda sad not hearing from him again after Evadale beats Hull again two years in a row..i think id miss readin his funny posts bout H-D bein so awesome. ;D
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