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Everything posted by lowandaway

  1. The parents from BH have been running  Coach Stalbaum and Byrd down on this forum for years, and most of it stems from the lack of play time their kids received. If it's not all about me it can't be good.
  2. [quote name="games24x7" post="798296" timestamp="1273113296"] Was there something wrong with Sweet for us to use our #3 pitcher? [/quote] I dont know? why did GP bring there bats to a broom fight?
  3. [quote name="GCMPats" post="798286" timestamp="1273112676"] Bot 7th GP    11 PNG    4 [/quote]  WOWZER....i also believe Price Jacobs can beat LCM, Jacobs is the real deal after that GCM will have to really earn another win but LCM is very beatable, now as for KP you guys best buck up for Neederland!  Looks like 20-4A brought a broom to a Bat fight,,,,,LOL :o
  4. The Pirates are just thrilled they are not getting thier one good eye plucked out be the Eagle this year? Hester is your only chance to beat 19-4A, and then guess what, the Pirates get ate by the Cubs!
  5. Come on KP whinner, BH has won more playoff games than KP and GCM has played regular season games...combined...talk trash in about 45 years....oh wait, we will still have 45 years on ya! ;D
  6. Come on people of BH get a grip. Everyone of you should be a shame of yourself's. I hope you have taught your kids better manners than you have.
  7. Langley,I have heard a lot about Langley, but seen a little. I don't even believe he played as a sophomore. Didn't see much of him as a junior so why is he going to be a threat has a senior. No one thought KP would do much last year but what a suprise. I see KP taking district easily, class act. Just don't count GCM out like we did KP last year. That's funny!! I believe a shoulder injury cut his sophomore season short. Your right, kid don't have much talent. Didn't know we would be slamming kids on here, wow! I am pretty sure he was 1st team A/D at CF. How did your CF come out. Just asking, I don't know the kid but I am sure he had talent. But it's not about one person, it's about the team. How did your team do against Crosby last year?? There is no doubt KP will be tough for anyone, they have a solid team, and didn't lose anything. Even funnier a bunch of Crosby talent didn't play the year of Langley's shoulder injury, Heard they all had hoof in mouth disease.Warning to KP that Coach don't take no lip.
  8. Daytown, Vidor, Jaser, Huffman these teams should never be on top of the Hill....Barbers Hill That is.....Just ask em and they will tell you, actually neither is Orange field or Tarkington or Hamshire fannett
  9. I have not heard of any BH players signing and it would seem that at least three or four seniors had very good potential....but what do i know!
  10. Jay Burditt of BH has quality stuff :
  11. So i read on one post that this Langley kid was throwing consistantly 88 to 90 on the radar...i don't think i have the right kid in mind then am i wrong or did i miss something?
  12. Just a thought, if a kid tears his shoulder while pitching it would seem to me that he has some sort of mechanical inefficiencies or misalignment's, while i watched the Vidor pitchers it seemed they all where cut from the same mold with the push leg stepping toward third and then grab some dirt to show they finished ? to much energy going toward third base probably cost some MPH toward home.....but i could be wrong but do have concern for area pitchers and hope to see SETX go far in the playoffs! so are you trying to infer that pitchers that hurt their shoulders are bad pitchers??? by that coin some of the best pitchers in mlb history are "ineffecient or misaligned" No sir i do not believe that your injured Pitcher is a bad pitcher but, i think that an injury of this type is an indication of something wrong with his mechanics. Anytime a throwers arm hurts something is out of adjustment a pitchers legs and back should be tired before the arm hurts! "mechanics" are different for different players, as different players bodies are different and different players have different pitching styles (the key word is different, do you think that dontrelle willis is a bad pitcher because he throws differently? Exactly and you make my point loud and clear. Like i said all of the Vidor pitchers looked as if they were cast from the same mold and might be the root cause of your aces shoulder tear, in fact i thought they all where flying open exposing the throwing shoulders and to much energy flying toward third base would put stress on the throwing shoulder. Don't take it so personel it's just an observation and i have been an observer for many years now, maybe you should get a second opinion?
  13. Just a thought, if a kid tears his shoulder while pitching it would seem to me that he has some sort of mechanical inefficiencies or misalignment's, while i watched the Vidor pitchers it seemed they all where cut from the same mold with the push leg stepping toward third and then grab some dirt to show they finished ? to much energy going toward third base probably cost some MPH toward home.....but i could be wrong but do have concern for area pitchers and hope to see SETX go far in the playoffs! so are you trying to infer that pitchers that hurt their shoulders are bad pitchers??? by that coin some of the best pitchers in mlb history are "ineffecient or misaligned" No sir i do not believe that your injured Pitcher is a bad pitcher but, i think that an injury of this type is an indication of something wrong with his mechanics. Anytime a throwers arm hurts something is out of adjustment a pitchers legs and back should be tired before the arm is injured or even hurts!
  14. thanks alot :-) he should be back dominating next year Just a thought, if a kid tears his shoulder while pitching it would seem to me that he has some sort of mechanical inefficiencies or misalignment's, while i watched the Vidor pitchers it seemed they all where cut from the same mold with the push leg stepping toward third and then grab some dirt to show they finished ? to much energy going toward third base probably cost some MPH toward home.....but i could be wrong but do have concern for area pitchers and hope to see SETX go far in the playoffs!
  15. My Guess is 90 mph : Langley must be next, will the Phillies scout be there to see the Bears?
  16. On another post someone said Barbers Hill has one pitcher and one hitter and they would'nt be at the top if this was so, well IMO the hill has the talent to beat anybody and seems to me the root cause is lack of hitting and pitching instruction. That one pitcher Pitched went well enough and the defence is very good on most nights. Its the offence that is either hot or cold that kills this team. All of their hitters have the potential to go long and on most swings make an attempt to do so. To many kids have their hands to high and don't keep their hands and the bat head in the zone long enough to make contact. The talent is there the adjustment is not, and with failure brings frustration, one big win could put this team on a roll while one more loss will be the end of their high school career. So what adjustments must be made to your kids performance or what kid will step up with some enthusiasm and push this team to win on Thursday? Work on your own kids weakness and tell him at least play these last games at 110% and have some faith the man upstairs will let the best team bubble to the top. Go BH and play @ 110% and we will see KP again before this thing is over.
  17. A story was told about a district game in 19-4A where the game went south when a batter got plunked and this started a battle of which the umpires allowed the opposing team to pitch up and in. Any high school pitcher may be allowed to slip once! But if it happens again he and that coach should be tossed. Throwing up and in and actually hit the opposing pitcher in the head ? My kid best not be on either end of this exchange, its just not right and our umps should have zero tolerance for this poor sportsmanship!
  18. It seems the slow off speed pitches is what GCM hit. He needs to throw fastballs down equals ground ball outs keeps the pitch count low. IMO Lowandaway
  19. So you boys feel that your programs are working? Getting some quality instruction are we? Football, Basketball and baseball programs has all been successful this year? No doubt your schools talent level has been some of the best ay Eagle07? But it seems not to have went as far as is ever should have. That's what i meant "same old thing". You keep defending these programs and i will be the dumb one?
  20. I feel the frustration and know probably better than most that no amount of money or coaching can fix what goes on between the ears of a talented teenage baseballer, and most won't realize the significance of their performance until the opportunity has passed but we don't give up hope and will continue to fight the good fight until the last out of the last game.
  21. Dh must have a kid on the bench?
  22. The definition of dumb is doing the same thing and expecting a different out come? It seems that BH allways starts off on fire and slowly dies and loses the fundamental skills that got them there. You must evolve and change the current stagnant same old day to day routine that is killing your team. The Patriot117 is correct in the fact that a young kid mowed y'all down while maintaining poise and confidence and done all the things that the BH pitcher was not able to do and BH can not except the facts and made excuses which prevents bh from learning from their mistakes and will continue not to evolve if they continue to point fingers at ump's or coaching or anything but the reality of lack of fundamental skills.
  23. OK just IMO I am an old tax payer who wanted to see the new field and get a taste of highschool baseball that's been happening in our area and what i left with was the feeling that we are hurting for some old school baseball fundamental skills, IE training in baserunning and hitting coaches, but is it just me or do the parents now routinely yell strike as the ball crosses the plate, pitchers waving their arms as they question the umpires decisions and the umpires calls where strange at times. and the overall feeling that we are no longer in Kansas as they say so and i am embrarassed by the actions of the crowd just seemed to be a lack of respect on all accounts, Is it just me or have things evolved in a bad direction?
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