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Everything posted by Deepeast

  1. Hmmm...let's see...they made a commitment to the team and then they broke it. I'm sure everyone has a wife who would understand this: "but honey, I had free tickets to the strip club." Think you'd be "suspended for one quarter" in that scenario?? First of all you dont have to buy a ticket to get into a strip club you just pay a cover charge and that is definitely not the same thing. I didnt say what they did was completely right of them i said its a terrible reason to suspend them the entire game. A quarter or 2 is plenty. Also, dont say they let their team down by missing 1 practice. You know as well as i do the other kids on that team prolyl werent bothered by them not being. They all went out and practiced and did what they were supposed to without losing any sleep over these 2 missing 1 practice. This is getting blown out of proportion So What do you tell all the other players that made practice? OH, you are not as good as these guys, so you get to play for two quarters and then we put in the real deal(who can't seem to understand the team concept).
  2. Coach Spoon will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Truly a sad day for East Texas Coaching Community.
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