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Everything posted by centerfield

  1. We only have little league where we live. Can my daughter play in the softball leagues you referred to in Beaumont, Orange etc. if we don't live there? They didn't have enough girls to divide teams by age group this year at our little league, so kindergarteners were on the same team with 3rd graders. It's fine for the younger girls, but not too competitive for the older ones.
  2. My daughter will be 6 in May. That would mean she would be league age 6U next season. Both of her brothers play select baseball; so we are very familar with traveling, and would be willling to do that for her too. Someone told us there are some softball leagues around the triangle that are more competitive than others. However, I haven't found anybody able to give me any specific information. We would be willing to drive her to the best place to play. Since you all have older daughters, I was hoping to benefit from your experience. Thanks in advance for any tips you would be willing to post.
  3. Have any dates been set for these baseball tournaments yet? If so, who do we contact to sign up?
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