[quote name="setxbbfan" post="918640" timestamp="1290700224"] I can agree, but being around sports for many years has shown me that coach bashers usually bash because their son is not getting what they want. When baby gets his, all the sudden the coach is making good decisions. Just an observation. Listen..people off the street call in radio shows and question the likes of Mack Brown..so go figure. I am sure the kid can play. No commentary on him. Just thought it was funny that the critic agreed with the coach when his/her son got to play. And she may be right..just interesting. [/quote]Okay...I am really going to be nice here. Did you read the initial post [i][b]AT ALL[/b][/i]. People get on this forum with "subpar" reading skills and comment without having read [i][b]CLEARLY[/b][/i]. I mentioned "NOTHING" about my son! My son does not play on JV or Varsity. I stated that he played 2 [b]JV[/b] players up during the VARSITY GAME. So read CLEARLY this time, my son did not play on JV or Varisty last game day! While I do believe my son has the talent and experience to outplay any PG at HFHS, I was VERY happy that he moved someone up for however long, that [b]deserves[/b] it. [b]That is why I gave the coach some props[/b]...not because he played my son on VARSITY...because that simply [b]did NOT [/b] happen. Understand, I want HF to have a successful (not perfect) basketball program! Boys sports at HF do not excell in hardly anything....projected last in most things...I don't like that and no one else in HF land should either! And, no I am not an expert but I have seen more youth basketball than you could ever dream of....its my life. I see the BEST of the BEST in the United States play....that's my life. My finger is on the pulse of what is great out there because I see it live and in person...not on TV. That's what I measure my kids against, National talent and they have a lot of work yet to do. So I can say with certainty that I know when I see talent! Just do me a favor, if you are going to be on this forum and post, READ people so you won't get on here appearing that you got your education from PO-DUNK, TEXAS.