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  1. 12U SETX Heat Tryout Saturday, August 15 College Street Complex in Beaumont 9:00am We will be on the middle set of fields The Heat will be a 2nd year 12u team. We are looking forward to building on the success and hard work of the summer season and carrying it into fall. Bring your own water or sports drink, it will be a hot morning! If you cannot make the tryout or have any questions, please call Jennifer Stocks (432)413-4353, or email [email protected]
  2. TRYOUTS!!! 12U SETX Heat is having a tryout Saturday August 15, at the College Street Complex in Beaumont- 9:00am Please call Jennifer Stocks (432)413-4353 for more information, or email at [email protected]
  3. UPDATE!!! SETX Heat will have an open workout on: Thursday, August 6 at College Street Complex in Beaumont at 5:30 Please call Jennifer Stocks (432) 413-4353 or email [email protected] for more information
  4. UPDATE! SETX Heat will have an open workout: Thursday, August 6 at College Street Complex in Beaumont at 5:30 Call Jennifer Stocks (432) 413-4353 or email [email protected] for more information, I promise I will get better at answering my phone ;D
  5. We changed the location for our Tuesday open workout: Tuesday, July 28- College Street Complex in Beaumont at 5:30 Thursday, July 30- Twin County in Sour Lake at 5:30 All softball players are invited to come Please check this post for any future updates If you have any questions please call Jennifer Stocks at 432-413-4353, or email at [email protected]
  6. The 12U SETX Heat will be having tryouts on Saturday, August 8th at 9:00 am and Saturday, August 15th at 9:00 am. Both tryouts will be at the College Street Complex in Beaumont. The SETX Heat will be a 2nd year 12U team. We had a great first year and we are looking forward to continue building and growing to become a dominant 2nd year team. We will also be having open workouts on the following dates: Tuesday, July 28 @ 5:30 Thursday, July 30 @ 5:30 Tuesday, August 4 @ 5:30 Thursday, August 6 @ 5:30 at College Street Complex in Beaumont If you have any questions, please call Jennifer Stocks at (432)413-4353, or email [email protected]
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