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Everything posted by LumbertonLineman77

  1. weve played both teams...... i say vidor pulls away in the third qtr. Good Luck to both teams
  2. :oops: it will never end............. :|
  3. good luck and love to all!!!
  4. The way most of these rumors get started is from people just looking at a player and saying that hes too big, he must be on roids, but if you have proof that is a different matter, and it SHOULD be reported
  5. My bets on Silsbee, they have an awesome team. good luck :mrgreen:
  6. srry wos95...... but the ONLY thing that counts is on the score board after the game, and so far they have been in our favor, and i dont think it will EVER change, ask Barbers Hill, Silsbee,& New Caney
  7. ha, well i understand pulling your first string off the field when the scores tied............ honestly i do, must have been afraid that more wouldve been injured :wink:
  8. shs is right on one part, never believe the hype, like how barbers hill, SILSBEE, and new caney were going to beat us lol, well see who's who when its all said and done.
  9. nobody has had any faith in lumberton, the win over new caney was ok, but this fridays win over Bridge City will just be another small step, see yall in playoffs! 8)
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