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PNG 4 ever

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Everything posted by PNG 4 ever

  1. More than ready....leaving in 15 minutes.
  2. Sitting on the other side? "-)
  3. Game will be on Cool 92.5. You can listen in the IHeart radio app.
  4. And I am off Friday and will be there early !
  5. I don't always agree with what some PNG fans say on this board, in fact I want to scream shut up, lots of times. But Pakronos, your comments about a bunch of kids that played their hearts out are about as classless as it gets! Good luck to y'all in the playoffs.
  6. And we came back and scored 14 unanswered points. And it's only a garbage td because ya'll didn't score it, right? Never said y'all didn't deserve to win, but really?
  7. I really don't think winning by 5 pts means we "got the brakes" beat off of us.
  8. I could have sworn this was about 22-5A playoffs.
  9. These same people would complain if they were hung with a new rope!
  10. Oh it was interference. No doubt. We got lucky in that one.
  11. Is it higher than his daddy's? Because according to some things I've ready his daddy isn't that good of a coach?
  12. 92.5 is the PNG broadcast. You'll get to hear a hokey Cajun accent several times from one announcer.,
  13. It's not a rivalry, This is the first time the two schools have played each other.
  14. It's not business, its rude.
  15. +1 I can't wait. I'll be there when the gates open. Have to be there to see the band and Indianettes march in and hear Cherokee.
  16. Much better. He gives the good fans a bad name!
  17. I have no problem with him tooting Logan's horn, he deserves it, hands down,. Never said its easy to call a game. I have no doubt it's not. Just saying that the fake Cajun accent is ridiculous. My opinion and like you, I'm entitled to mine.
  18. I know who he is. Nice guy, still annoying.
  19. He is Cajun, but his fake accent gets on my last nerve. Call the game, stop trying to be cute!! I'm full blooded Cajun both sides of the family and still have lots of relatives in Louisiana. None of them talk like this guy!
  20. My parents didn't either. The principal at the time used to run around with a ruler measuring the length of our skirt. So we had no idea what he would do and at that point, I really didn't care. Just give me the piece of paper!!
  21. ShlyKBMT you graduated with my daughter...it was hot and the mosquitos were bad. I graduated in the stadium, the heat with the cap and gown on was almost unbearable. Only thing that helped was I had on cutoffs, a tank top and dress shoes. I had pinned the gown closed at the bottom and they never saw what I had on. lol
  22. I for one am very excited about the outcome of the election. Change has been needed for awhile. When you have a long time school board member making the inexcusablecomments that he made about the handicapped seating, well he needs to go. He doesn't need to be in the position that he was in. I think if the sitting school board members that are up for election in the next couple of years don't get the message that was sent by the election results, then I feel very sorry for them.
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