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  1. It has nothing to do with the kids. kids come first otherwise they would not be in the bussiness. coaches talk to other coaches about what is happening and I have heard many of coaches, that would make a tremendous difference, say they would not go to OF. Coaches, just like everyone else, want to work in a problem free area. Coaching is a stressfull job (presure from the parents, school, community, long hours with little pay; some times comming to about .33 a hr) and adding more conflict to a already stressfull job is not a environment that anyone wants to be in. good luck in the hiring..... If they are talking to the coach that just left Orangefield they are being mislead. I would not let that guy coach a little league football team. I know for a fact the guy lied about what was going on in the locker room, on the field and inside the program. I am talking about the athletic program not just football. I know him personally and he has never taken the blame for any problems inside his program. It has always been someone else fault. So if you are talking about parents and administrators wanting him gone, IMO they had good reason. A coach coming in would have no problem winning over the community as long as he does the right things.
  2. In the mid 80's Buna had a very good basball team. If I remember correctly the best hitter on that team was Randy Moss. He could have played college baseball but chose to play football instead. I think he batted over 500. He was not a pure power hitter but could spray the ball around the field, hit a ton of doubles and at any time could hit it out of the park... He was also a dang good catcher... But, that whole team could hit.
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