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Everything posted by HillGuy

  1. Great job Eagles! Thanks to some of the guys coming over to support the Lady Eagles against PNG last night. Lady Eagles sweep the series to win bi-district. Good luck in the playoffs!
  2. For a person that wears their name on their shirt you worried about the spelling of Bag? Ha Keep posting you are good material. 8) Glad I entertain you....this is all just too funny, can't help myself. Normally I don't get involved in this stuff but its bringing back memories of 4th grade. I'm sure this thread won't last long. Hillguy who does your DD play for in summerball? Dang HGuy......sounds like you are going to be talking to yourself for a while! Hey...I'm good at that!
  3. Thanks and I thats why I try to keep my mouth shut (mostly). Don't want my dumb a$$ opinions reflecting on the kid. Tell the guys I miss 'em...really! seeya.
  4. Four For a person that wears their name on their shirt you worried about the spelling of Bag? Ha Keep posting you are good material. 8) Glad I entertain you....this is all just too funny, can't help myself. Normally I don't get involved in this stuff but its bringing back memories of 4the grade. I'm sure this thread won't last long. Fourth grade? Hill I have NEVER taken a shot at you so ease up bc you threw the first jab. Just really burned me last week what went down and don't appreciate it. Those are some GOD fearing guys and to be taken to the woodshed not cool. Really not sure bc was in Irving watching the ASC tourn. Its all good bc sure would find you very engaging if see you in person. Right? ETBU...I'm typing fast because not sure how long this will last. I think you and I are similar in interests and outlook....we also both check our posts afterward as to not offend (like forklift operators on break, ha) or look silly. Best I can figure is this is one poster against one mod. I don't choose sides, but I'm not a fan of anarchy either. Best I step back into lurking mode before I get offend someone 8)
  5. For a person that wears their name on their shirt you worried about the spelling of Bag? Ha Keep posting you are good material. 8) Glad I entertain you....this is all just too funny, can't help myself. Normally I don't get involved in this stuff but its bringing back memories of 4th grade. I'm sure this thread won't last long.
  6. This is tooooooo funny...the strikers have set up shop somewhere else. Hey...I know you guys are still following this forum, so would someone over there please help Bag with his spelling and the proper usage of: lose, loss, loses, loose and loser before he returns ;D ;D ;D
  7. Hey "Bingo"....I can't return a PM to "guest" so enjoy having fun with your buddies in your treehouse and and we'll talk when you rate being a member of this site.
  8. I know that's right. Glad to see someone from BH actually admit that. I didn't necessarily mean it in good way, tnt My last thought on this before I leave it alone, promise. I agree with RangerDad AND Bobcat here, but there was regular breaking of the forum rules AND some overeation by Mod's. Its important to remember that free speech is NOT guaranteed on this board, nor is it a democracy. Its a good board and I hope it continues. Hijacking threads with obscure "inside' references is annoying but not that hard to skim on past. Speaking negatively of any player should be a one warning and then your out, period. I think taking your marbles and going home cause you don't like the rules is fine, but remember that this is the only marble game in town.
  9. Bobcat your #2 on their list of Mods they want out. Be careful how and what you post! Many of the posters are deleting accounts. Just heard of another from Barber Hill area that is cutting loose his account. Reason: Feel Mods(not all) can do and say what they want and have no consciences. BH posters cancelling...I think not. We have our own clique.
  10. Very happy they did this, but going to be tough on the athletes to keep the workout/competitive intensity level high through the break (especially for 400m+ events). Lots of track coaches modifiying workouts to adapt. Beats the alternative though!
  11. FROM PUBLIC RELATIONS UIL Thank you for your concerns regarding the recent UIL press release regarding the swine flu and UIL event schedules. As indicated in the release, this is a situation that is changing daily and all plans released by UIL are tentative and the best options available at this time. Be assured that all options are being considered, including rescheduling regional and state competitions in track and field. As more information becomes available it will be provided via email updates and through the UIL web site. If you have other questions or need additional information, please contact the UIL office.
  12. I hear ya but I think the intent is to keep the flu from jumping long distance due to interschool sports. If a school gets a case, they will shut it down.
  13. Ok...from other forum sounds like they are considering a "Super" State Meet with all region qualifiers...thats crazy. 96 athletes per event, per gender, per classification. Can you imagine the hotel shortage in Austin!
  14. Not according to this: "Semifinal qualifiers will be based on the district track meet results. Each region will be represented at the state meet by the top four performances in each event for all conferences." I read that as the top 4 performers from each REGION based on district results. A whole lot more than 4 qualified for region.
  15. Going to be some VERY dissapointed young athletes and parents (including me) over this turn of events. Lots of athletes planning to peak at Region, won't get that chance. Sad situation
  16. I think as long as schools remain in open, there is no reason not to practice with your travel team. May need to consider some heavy local team scrimmaging too.
  17. Not regulated, but could be pressure to not hold tourneys. How do you think your team will respond?
  18. I don't remember the wind blowing this hard for this long (almost 2 weeks) before. Sick of it. Trinity Bay is a mudhole. I'm sure south shoreline of E Bay is fine, but stacked with anglers.
  19. Holey Moley...I've been on here for 3 yrs and never knew this fishing forum was down at the bottom! Cool...I'll be back! use both of those and they are good sites for tides...just have to pick the one nearest your fishing area and adjust for distance. Keep in mind that wind direction/speed can make a big difference in tidal flow heights, especially on Trinity Bay where I haunt. Probably not so much in Sabine I'd guess.
  20. Teams in or tentative, was hoping for more but not a bad turnout: BH Sterling H-F Huffman Dayton GCM
  21. I looked for it, but I don't believe its posted anywhere. They announced the final participants for each event at the meet, but don't know where they list it. It will be worth the trip to BH just to see Casey and LaCour compete in two races. LaCour has the fastest time in the nation in the 110's and Casey looked plenty healthy to me in the prelims. They ran in separate heats so tomorrow will be their first head-to-head. Finals begin at 5 PM.
  22. It only takes one kid. I don't think its that disruptive to play on Monday instead of Tuesday. My only gripe is that every year we seem to "forget" when the district TM is scheduled is and wind up adjusting the schedule mid-season to adjust.
  23. I think its a good show too, but the teen drinking, partying and sex just crosses the line for me. I'm not a prude, nor do I think it doesn't really go on in real life. Its just beyond realistic...it doesn't happen as much as the show promotes it. For that, I don't let my teens watch it. Pretty sad, there is a good Texas football story in there somewhere...
  24. Me either. That's the main reason we have been successful in the past.
  25. BH should be improved over last year (no surprise). Key question is going to be at the QB position and will we adjust the offense to the QB's strengths. I don't think we will have a strong running AND throwing QB....more likely one or the other. Unless there is a young stud that I dont know about.
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