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Everything posted by BucketSitR

  1. Well, when we get back down there we may try and keep some of the bigger fish and see what they taste like for ourselves. Since we have been spoiled on the catfish and crappie here on Rayburn we may be a littler biased..
  2. Sorry to get back to you so late but we didn't get home till late Sunday night and i had to catch up at work yesterday. All in all we had a good time of fishing.. But had to wait for the lightining to get thru several times. We probably could have gotten on the bay several times but were unsure of getting caught trying to run back in.. We are learning the area more and more each trip and think we can navigate it better.. We caught all kinds of fish just not a lot of keepers. It is hard to throwback 18 and 19 inch reds.. Finally got one keeper and saw several big fish tailing early but could not hook up!!! Guess they don't like the kitchen sink being thrown their way!!!!! We did go to Rollover one afternoon after a storm and caught croaker after croker, after croaker!! Do they eat good??? About dark the water changed and bait fish everywhere and started hooking up on specks, had alot of 13 inch throwbacks but got several keepers includind one that went 25.5,, it was a wow!!! We will be back, sooner than later if us guys have any say!! Yea right!! Thinking about a new years run,, fishing any good?? BucketSitR
  3. Thanks for the info.... Yes we will have our boat with us.. With the red run where is the best place to look, at the openings for the ICW or in some of the cuts?? We did find a good red hole last March in a cut around Rat Island? We have it GPS'd and are planning on hitting it. On Google Earth i have noticed a inlet cut between Stingree and Rollover... Any count??? As far as the "Washout" i think that i know where you are talking about. There is also a washout down the beach toward a Swanky gated community. Can't remember the name.. We stayed just west of it last year and i had a little luck fishing the edge of the dirty water... Thanks again, I think that i like this saltwater fishing almost as much as the crappie and catfishing on Rayburn...Just can't get there as often. I will be checking for more info thru the weekend then Monday here we come!!!!!!! BucketSitR
  4. I will be making my way down to Crystal Beach this next week and look to do as much fishing as i can. What has the Storm done to the fishing?? Any fishing reports?? We will be doing mostly Bay fishing and want to know what is hot,,,Reefs,cuts, mud grass.etc... May try some surf fishing during the day. Any info i can get will be appreciated... Thanks in advance BucketSitR
  5. If i am not mistaken. The undertaker played basketball for the Angelina College Roadrunners back in the day.
  6. I went and watched some friends run at Evadale this past weekend. Nice track and they kept everything moving along. Lots of cars and not a lot of wait time. Oh, and the Fuel Alters, Man those guys are crazy fast.. Great Show. "I'll be back!"
  7. Congrats to all that were selected.
  8. Good Deal!!! Maybe they can put some nice reclining seats on the levee side!!! That way the AD doesn't have to take a chair to the top to watch a ballgame...I have enjoyed my visits with him there the two times we went there to play.. Good Luck LPA softball.
  9. I'll be there...Go Tigers. Also Go Cougars!!!
  10. Go Tigers, Get them bats a rolling!!!
  11. The Tigers come back and take Game 3 in 8 innings 5 - 4 against a stout McLeod team to advance. Man on third. Intentional walk of 2 batters to load them up with 1 out.. 4 straight balls. Ball Game!!!! Great job, Never give up. Tigers will advance to the regionals against Maud. Come on Tiger lets get another one in the bag!!!!!!!!!!! PS.... GO Buna!!!!!!
  12. Way to go Tigers. Malone with 13 k's. Game 2 Fri in Jacksonville. The Tigers started it off in Carthage with a win so the Buna Cougars can repeat it Friday. Good Luck!!
  13. Man it is flooding here in Jasper.... Hope it hurries and passes thru Carthage so that West Sabine can take the first game tonight... I do know one thing, that after this rain it will be Hot as heck.. Go Tigers
  14. West Sabine takes the double header today. 7 - 5 then 7 - 0. Way to go Tigers
  15. Game 2 West Sabine 6 to 1 bottom of five. Come on TIGERS. Let's take these two.
  16. Good Luck to the West Sabine Tigers.. Bring your a game and keep the pressure on...
  17. The Tigers of West Sabine advance over Cayuga 14-1 in 5, and 8 - 1 in 7. Good job Tigers.
  18. Think that i heard it this way on Smoaky. A freshman player had transfered in as a 7th grader. Apparently some paper work was not right. So after the student had been at Shelbyville for 2 years, He makes varsity as a freshman and out of the blue someone brings up the missing paperwork... And the ruling follows..... This is just hearsay but it sure smells of sour grapes!!
  19. Ned, I'll help you out a little bit.. It is between Trout Creek and Wiergate...
  20. Did you know that the undertaker played basketball at Angelina college???
  21. Went on my first Bay fishing trip this past weekend. We tried several areas around Bolvar and hit the reefs Saturday without much luck. Just some Black Drum and Stingrays. Sunday we went out of Stingree and went to the grass and had more luck. No keepers but caught Flounder, Drum and some rat reds. Had a few kids with me so they got to feel the pull. Couldn't really make any sense out to the boat traffic, looked like everyone was hunting and pecking. I will go back though, hope sooner that later...
  22. Great Read,, I enjoyed reading about Coach Jack Whitton and his championship wins with Hunttington, Seminole, and Pineland West Sabine.. Also reading about the run that Brookeland had in 2000. That was a great team to follow..like 75 and 2. Wow now that was a fun memory... BucketSitR
  23. Was Catfishing Saturday at Rayburn and saw several big flocks headed North..May be getting blown back down here today!!
  24. Just heard.. Brookeland vs Calvert Tues 6:30 in Livingston
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