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Everything posted by sportsfan07

  1. Congradulations on All your sucess. They will both be receive i believe its a $500 scholarship. They will be having a formal presentation on September 1 during the Labor Day Tournament. Congradulations you too, and we hope you do well at Lamar.
  2. Yes Minick, I agree 100% about Jerry. He is not very recognized here in the Beaumont area, but i will tell you one thing. It is worth my 30 min drive to come out and learn from him. And I live only 10 min from Brentwood and 15 min from the City courts. But I would choose the drive anyday. And congradulations on the courts, can't wait to CHECK THEM OUT.
  3. NOT MANY VOTES THIS TIME, I only had 4. And these are the results! (1) Deaver DEF (4) Bug 6-2 6-0 (3) Minick DEF (2) Desai 7-6 6-7 7-6 (This match was split 2 to 1) So the FINAL will be (1) DEAVER Vs. (3) MINICK VOTE NOW
  4. Well not many votes came in for the first round, but here is what turned out. (1) Deaver DEF (8) Wehner 6-0 6-0 (2) Desai DEF (7) Legato 6-2 6-2 (3) Minick DEF (6) Carnley 6-4 6-4 (4) Bug DEF (5) Boone 7-5 7-5 NEW BRACKET (1) Deaver vs. (4) BUG (2) Desai vs. (3) Minick When you vote PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK THE SCORE WILL BE and then i will project the winner THANK YOU
  5. Sorry Clement is the 8 seed
  6. TOP 8 IN A PLAYOFF PICTURE. Send me a message with your vote and i will tell you the winners. This is kind of like the WHOS NOW on ESPN. It will be fun trust me. (1) Matt Deaver vs (8) Clement Wehner (2) Sagar Desai vs (7) Brad Legato (3) Matt Minick vs (6) Scott Carnley (4) Cody Lutrell(BUG) vs (5) Kenton Boone PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK
  7. This is the list i made myself. I thought theses were the top players in the area, so i posted them. And i believe them to be VERY accurate!
  8. my bad dog, i didn't look at the results myself. I only heard the information.
  9. hahahahahahaha oh athlete 5 you crack me up. Look lets get down to brass tax here, in reality this year we all know who the best players were and weren't. Some people just like to get on here to talk crap about stuff that doesn't even matter. Now let me tell you this, i am on NO side. But lets look at the whole thing. If we are arguing about who is the better players out of Scott/Tyler and Boone/Wehner, then i would give the doubles award to Scott and Tyler they proved it by going to the state finals. In singles though, it is a different story. I would put Boone and Scott having a good match, and the same on Tyler and Wehner. I think they are all 4 real close in the category. You need to all 4 get together play a few games, determine this and then we will know the truth. If you want to know the real TOP players this past year, you need to look at Deaver, Desai, Minick, and Bug. But these four are close behind. PLAY AND THEN TALK SMACK! And let me give you a lil secret to all those trying to get better and beat the people who are on top. You might want to play the people who are better than you to get yourself up to par. Then you might stand a chance!
  10. Boys 16's Sagar Desai- Winner Moves on the Superchamps. CONGRATS Cody Lutrell- Won first match lost in the second round. Kenton Boone- Lost First Match, Won first match in consolation, then lost in the next round Boys 18's Clement Wehner-Lost first round, lost in consolation first round. Matt Minick- Won first round, won second round, lost in the quarters. Brad Legato- Won first round, lost in the second round. Girls 18's Jessica Phelps- Lost first round, and lost consolation round These were the only names i was told, but i heard there were more. So when i get them i will post them. I didn't look them up, so i am not 100% sure they are accurate. But Congrats guys you all did well.
  11. haha minick, i like talking crap. Your just to modest to do so, so i do it for you hahahaha. And sum1 I AGREE WITH YOU!!
  12. Ok i personally haven't seen Clement play recently, but i talked to someone who has. And they said that he is still very shaky. And needs ALOT of work. You kelly guys need to stop playing the same people OVER and OVER again. You need to play people that are actually better than you to get better. Because learning how to beat your friend isn't going to help you beat Deaver, Minick, or Desai.
  13. Well i would, but i don't really play tennis that much anymore. I got badly injured last year, so i have to sit out untill i have fully recovered. The main guy i back up is Minick. So if any of you want to play him, i will be glad to try to set that up.
  14. I will say that Kelly has one of the best teams in the area, but in the individual standings. Down three or four on my list.
  15. I will give you a little credit, that is a pretty good statement. But lets look at the other players in the area shall we? Out of many of your students could beat Deaver? Minick? or Desai? That is what we are basing our opinions about. Some people dont get to go an hour or two away just watch a tennis match. Some of us only get to watch out here and base our opinions on that. And im comparing them to these three. And frankly i think that these three out shine that list.
  16. Keep the dreams to a minimum. I am a fan of trash talk, but not when it is bad trash talk. So all you ETA kids playing 5 hours a day, why couldn't you beat him this year. Or any of the other big guys in the tourneys?
  17. I would bet on Scott, even though i think scott is a lil overrated. I have seen both play and i would vote on Scott.
  18. hahahahaha i love how people from the same school defend each other.
  19. Ya ok hahaha. If you don't mind, could you post those players that are doing well in the Zats, Champs and Sumperchamp tournaments. And the State tournaments.
  20. You can't really believe that.
  21. I dont know who makes the list, but this was the list. Mvp- Matt Deaver Super Gold 1. Singles kid from Nederland(Not the Lopez kid the other one) 2. Some kid from Lumberton 3. Tyler Word 4. Scott Carnley 5. Devon Armstron(Mixed doubles Bridge city) Isn't that a joke!
  22. What tournaments do they dominate? The Grand prixs? haha those are jokes. The High School tournaments, i think not. Deaver won almost every tourney out here and he does not go to the ETA. Neither does Minick or Desai. The top three players last year dont go to the ETA. Where are these so called tournaments? Imagination Station hahaha
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