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Everything posted by sportsfan07

  1. Does Zach Carrell Count for this area? If you talking about the area coaches, then i dont think i would count him, but he sounds like a good coach. As for the ETA, i would not put one of their coaches in the top 5. Heres how my list turns out. 1. Ron Wesbrooks 2. Aldrin Campos 3. Jerry Creamer 4. David Wong 5. Jorge Lopez And i have seen or taken from almost every pro in southeast texas, including the ETA's coaches.
  2. I agree 100% Car Ramrod. And there best singles player would not have even made it out of district 21 AAA.
  3. CAR RAMROD RULES! And he happens to be RIGHT!!!
  4. Wow babalot2, we finally agree on something. IM SO PROUD!
  5. Look man, I know who you are, and you are a great player. BUT LETS BE REAL. Do you think you will be Deaver coming up this year? Becuz im pretty sure Desai and Minick believed they could beat Deaver before the year started. And look at them. and regardless what you or anyone else says, they were the next two best players. And now you are arguing about that yall will beat Deaver next year, COME ON NOW!! As much as yall are practicing and getting better, so is Deaver. So lets argue about who will come in second hahaha.
  6. My vote is with either Ron Wesbrooks, Head Mens Tennis Coach at Lamar, David Wong, and Jerry Creamer. LOOK AT TRADITION! AND LOOK AT THE PLAYERS!
  7. Im sorry aeropro, but i agree with Garsnare. Tapps is nowhere near the level of UIL. If you win a match or two you are in the State tournament. Guys in a Uil Tournament have to win 8 matches to get to the state tournament, NOT JUST 1 or 2! And you can argue about that all you want, but im sorry TAPPS, its not the same level. Come transfer over to one of the Public schools and lets see how far you go.
  8. Ok look, i like Carnley and Word, but making it out of 3A and 4A regionals, i doubt it. I saw the two teams that advanced out of the 3A and 4A region at state. And there is no way anyone in this area would have taken them out. Unless you put Deaver and Desai together haha. But regardless, they are both great players.
  9. And about tapps, it is competitive, but i would only put it one level above 2A. I believe 3a, 4a, and 5a are alot harder than tapps. Because i dont think anyone from Kelly would have advanced out of regionals out of the 3a, 4a, and 5a bracket. And im not talking bad about you all, i am strickly saying what i saw there and what i saw here.
  10. The list is based on the performance this year, and what i saw from each player. I have seen every player on this list this year. The reason why Warnley and Word are high is because of their run at the state title. And i know 2a isn't that competitive, because they would have not made it out of regionals at the 3a, 4a, or 5a level. But they still got to that point. So i have to give them some credit. And the list is based on who i think the "better" player. I am not a sports analist haha, this is just my opinion.
  11. hahahahaha well aeropro7, the list i posted was my list. That wasn't the actualy list. Trust me it was TERRIBLE! I can't even explain how bad it was. It had two guys i have never heard of before. IT WAS HILARIOUS. It shows you that they pay no attention to tennis in this area.
  12. Unfortunately NO. He is way to talented to lose to the Herr boy or BUG. I have never seen the lopez kid, but i have heard that Deavers will take him pretty easily too. It will be another dominating year. But im going for the underdogs out there. I just dont see it being done.
  13. THE REAL SUPER GOLD TENNIS TEAM GUYS: MVP: Matt Deaver-Silsbee Super Gold: Sagar Desai-Westbrook BUG-Kelly Matt Minick-Hardin-Jefferson Tyler Word-Warren Scott Carnley-Warren Honorable Mention: Kenton Boone-Kelly
  14. With the exception of Deaver and maybe the two warren guys, THIS TEAM IS A JOKE. Where is Desai, Bug, Minick, or Boone. All of these players would have killed the others on this list. This list is the funniest thing i have ever seen. Guys don't listen to this list, IT IS WRONG!
  15. Well sorry man, I don't really know Wehner. All i know is that Word and Carnley got to the 2a state finals and based my stuff on that. NOW DONT GET ME WRONG, I am not dissing the ELITE TENNIS ACADEMY! I just have seen that the most crap that is started on here, comes from the people from the Elite tennis academy. Now let me tellyou this, everyone that attends the elite tennis academy gets a great workout. But don't diss someone on here man, its just wrong! Not saying you did, but some of your friends did! My information i gave the other day was clearly on what i saw this year. I'm not a tennis expert, but this is the order i would put them in. I saw Bug play once against Desai, I saw boone play Minick, and i saw Wehner and Boone play against the Warren team. So i know you three all have the ability to be good players, but from what i saw that is what my list is based on. AND BASED ON THE SEASON, not right now. If i based my list on now, i would have no idea what the order would be.
  16. There you go minick thats what im talking about. By the way Minick, this weekend we are going to get together and play (even though you will probably kill me again haha). Why the heck do the TENNIS ELITE ACADEMY GUYS always come on here and talk crap about everyone. They think they are so much better than everyone. Well im pretty sure i haven't seen any of them do anything this year. I have nothing against them, because they are good tennis players, but don't get on here and talk crap to BETTER PLAYERS! Lets look at the records shall we? I know for a fact Deavers never lost to anyone from the Elite tennis academy. I dont know the statisitics on Desai, but im pretty sure maybe one loss, but maybe not. Minick only played one of them, and Minick beat him. And those three in my opinion were the best three in the area. I would put it like this 1)Deaver 2)Desai 3)Minick 4)Bug 5)Boone 6)Carnley 7)Word (older one) 8)Wehner 9)Word (younger one) 10)Kid from LCM. Sorry if you don't agree the TENNIS ELITE ACADEMY, but thats my opinion.
  17. I have to say i dont like this plan. First off, for the schools that are in the middle will have to either play in the big division(And possibly lose) or play in the small division(And probably win). This will still be an unfair system. Second off, you will lose some rivaleries that have been tradition for years. Thirdly, the money and travel would be more. And last but not least, why make a change. It is working fine the way it is. Hardin-Jefferson is a middle of the road school and they won state this year in bball. They had to go up against some of the bigger 3A schools and took them out. Im for keeping the same system. You ever hear of the saying, "If it's not broke, don't fix it!"
  18. Should be a good Monday and Tuesday for alot of these players. Who do you think stands the best chance?
  19. And whats your name babolat2?
  20. You can only bash when you have room to bash.
  21. Boys doubles was Hamshire Fannette #1 and Kirbyville #2 And Girls doubles #2 was Orangefield
  22. Who beat Casey Word in the tournament?
  23. That match=incredible. Deaver played unbelievable and Minick as well. Congradulations to all the winners. Good Luck at regionals.
  24. Ok babalot2 have you played Minick? If you even play tennis
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