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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. There was no negotiating, it was rammed through. Pelosi even wanted it passed so we could find out what's in it. No worries, the democrats all voted for it, indicating the blind lockstep mentality that you seem to think the Republicans should embrace. Still defending the affordable obamacare, lol...must be on my tax dollar.
  2. Did you mean to say Trump was not a fiscal conservative?
  3. You shouldn't give out advice you won't even follow yourself. And I see how Obama "negotiated". If the product was as advertised and affordable, it would have been an easy sell. It sure wasn't affordable to me and millions of other hard working taxpayers.
  4. I could get on board with that.
  5. What we never seem to acknowledge is our problem isn't an income problem, it's a spending problem. Spent too much? No problem, tax the rich (and middle class, but don't say it out loud). They all spend too much but the democrat supporters are the first ones to compare deficits because they certainly can't compare policies and their results. If I'm wrong, give me a list of successful Biden policies and why it was a good thing he was elected.
  6. People are always saying the parties never change and Democrats and Republicans are no different. If McCarthy is elected all this will remain true. Lots of folks want change in Washington, until it actually happens.
  7. I heard Trump actually went in there and hung him, himself.
  8. I'm not talking about Monica, he was seen with girls on Epstein's flights/island. I'm sorry to see you think it's ok to take advantage of a young intern as POTUS simply because he's in your party.
  9. There are, but they get hammered every time they want to cut (actually, just not increase) a program or cut taxes all we here is that we're taking food out of kid's mouths and wanting to throw Grandma over the cliff. You cannot be a fiscal conservative and still believe that federal entitlements should exist, They cannot be managed from the federal level. And, I agree, there is not much difference in how much the parties spend but there is a big difference in how they spend it. I get tired of hearing about the deficit being called out like that's the ultimate indicator on how well an administration is doing, I could cut all entitlements, gut the military, and increase the tax rate to 75% and the deficit would look great.
  10. And this was all Congress, you're telling me that Obama had nothing to do with it right? I love how you point out parties and not politicians should be blamed but can't stop talking about Trump.
  11. So should it be Congresscare instead of Obamacare?
  12. Gotta love the critics that try to demean voters that obviously made the best choice of those presented.
  13. Gridlock due to differing ideology, I love it. I guess the Republicans need to work on their mindless lockstep mentality like the democrats practice so well, lol. Great point!!!
  14. Another fun fact, your hero Clinton also gutted the military before Gingrich came in, look it up. That sure helps to lessen the deficit. Also, welfare reform was put in place, which Clinton always claimed as his, even though he was dragged kicking and screaming into the "compromise" by the Republicans. This was in his spare time when not spending time with Monica. Funny how some folks still put this pathetic pedophile on a pedestal.
  15. 10-4 means you understood last transmission, I'm assuming it was started by law enforcement. Reminds me of the Smokey and the Bandit days when CB radios blew up.
  16. Not hard to do when you raise taxes continuously and cut military spending. He was an absolute failure.
  17. lol, like you’re actually doing more about it than anyone else. So easy to not engage and sit back and criticize.
  18. Trump haters have always rubber stamped anyone that voted for him a MAGA hat wearing insurrectionist, even when it was proven to be the right choice two times. He proved it first round and biden proved it second round. As many have stated, don’t like the guy, like the policies. Just got to be rational enough to distinguish, which is where the problem lies.
  19. They always seem to forget that, just like they forgot 9/11 when Bush was spending.
  20. Notice I said they “were” the party of smaller gov and lower taxes. They all spend too much, I have been saying that long before you showed up here.
  21. Conservatives never were against someone simply because they’re rich, they were the party of smaller government and lower taxes to give someone with drive a better opportunity for wealth, it’s the democrats that have always promoted class warfare. Tax the rich guy, it will make your life so much better. I was never a fan of Trump the person but became a fan of many of his policies that actually had a positive impact on Americans. If the same policies were reimplemented, we would be in good shape again, to Unwoke’s point, that would be difficult to argue.
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