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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. The true "blind loyalty". The left doesn't like Candace, but everything she says is true...and that's probably why they don't like her.
  2. That guy is dumb as a hammer, fits right in. Biden has already stated that he knew the documents were there. By the way, this theory is also approved by Joy Behar, official spokesperson for the democratic party.
  3. If you vote democrat or even if you don't vote against democrat, you are furthering the access to abortion on demand. Original post was that democrats would like to have the opportunity to kill a delivered healthy baby that had the audacity to survive a botched abortion. What is your opinion on that?
  4. [Hidden Content] From the article: A former top aide to President Biden — who reportedly was questioned by federal investigators as part of the probe into the president's handling of classified documents — exchanged emails with Hunter Biden on numerous occasions, according to a Fox News Digital review.
  5. [Hidden Content] Here you go. From the article: In Torah thought and law, there is a profound distinction between killing and murdering. To murder is to wrongly end the life of an innocent human being.
  6. Good for you, folks are stranded without government assistance by design and it needs to stop, at least at the federal level. It would a long term program to wean folks off and have them take responsibility for their own lives. You know who won’t allow it? Democrats! They get votes from these folks in exchange for a few crumbs and a miserable life of dependence.
  7. So you’re stranded without government assistance, you are definitely a democrat.
  8. Great point, not enough funding to support them so we’ll allow them to be killed. Now that sounds like a democrat.
  9. Why would I google something for you when you won’t even read the article in this thread? Do your own work if you want to know. The democrat party is pro abortion and they are elected by democrats. I know it stings but it’s the truth.
  10. If democrats would agree to those conditions and do away with abortion on demand, Republicans would have no issue with it. You and I both know they will never go for it. Nice try putting this on Republicans, it’s all democrats.
  11. Google it, there are lots off scholars that break down the Hebrew which distinguishes between murder and killing.
  12. It actually translates to you shall not take an innocent life. I would say the unborn are about as innocent as it gets.
  13. Ah, the name calling, looks like you lose. Democrats elect democrats, sorry you can’t see that. And yes, there are millions of pro-abortion democrats. That’s your party, deal with it.
  14. I have no problem being linked with Republicans even though I don’t agree on a lot of things. At least they don’t vote to allow the killing off babies after they are born and aren’t confused about which bathroom to use.
  15. Don’t agree with any lot of stuff they do but this one is a dealbreaker. Try to stick to the debate rather than lame comments like the loyalty to the party crap. You have no argument when you have to derail the debate.
  16. That’s why there are 50 states. No one should expect permanent government assistance.
  17. Too large to manage at the federal level, needs to be moved to the states. I’m all for TEMPORARY assistance, not assistance that is generational.
  18. Sorry, democrats are the party off baby killing, this latest vote proves it. Every democrat wanted the option to kill a delivered healthy baby after a botched abortion. Did you even read the article?
  19. Another talking point myth, Republicans haven’t cut any programs. Now the fact democrats love them some baby killing is not a myth.
  20. [Hidden Content] democrats unhappy that they won't get that second chance to kill babies outside of the womb after the first attempt fails. And we got folks that seem to think there's no difference in the parties, smh.
  21. I think the main difference was simply Donald Trump, the raid was absolutely ridiculous, as was the media coverage. Yes, the media is covering Biden, but not nearly as savage as they were on Trump, but, like I said, that's just the way it is.
  22. My take on this hasn't really got anything to do with Trump or Biden, I don't see either as a major deal and certainly don't think either was holding these documents for nefarious intentions. What I think is pathetic is the difference in reaction from federal law enforcement and the media on the two occurrences. There is no denying that and it certainly isn't hypocritical to call it out. But, it's always been this way and I sure don't see it changing.
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