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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I'll try and address this rambling response, but first, answer this, what ground are we not giving way to that we should?
  2. Yeah, you nailed it, I just want to gripe, what a ridiculous take on it. These aren't Republicans that are choosing democrats, it's the squishy moderates. And tell me, what social issues are so important that you would choose them over trashing our energy sector, swing the borders wide open, usher in inflation and high unemployment and higher taxes. Tell me what social issues are so important, is it the freedom to murder babies at will, free college, what are they?
  3. I agree there are others but we may not have a choice, without a doubt any would be better than what the democrats will serve up. The problem we have was stated very well long ago by John Adams. Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people. Pretty sure he wasn't referring to a general knowledge about the Kardashians or who won American Idol.
  4. Exactly right, Republicans go into panic mode trying to find a candidate that will find favor with the democrats and media, ain't happening. McCain was the darling of the left UNTIL he ran for President. Can't appease the left, we need to stop trying.
  5. Folks have been screaming to have someone step in that wasn't part of the swamp...then we got it. It led to energy independence, lower taxes and unemployment, someone at least wanting to solve the border problem, someone that was tired of being taken advantage of in free trade and NATO...the list goes on. What is much more toxic to me than rhetoric is stuff like Bush doubling down on the DEA and Medicare D...that's what is toxic to me...expanding the federal government. Republicans seem to think that getting back to the more civil but same old swamp politics that brought us Trump in the first place is the way to go, all because the idiotic moderates say so. Personally, I would rather go down fighting for what's right instead of kowtowing to the radical baby killing left. Trump may not be the guy but he's better than any of the folks I see in Washington that will simply play by Washington rules.
  6. Mine either, he'll get my vote again if he's the Republican nominee because he'll be way better for the country than anyone on the democrat side. That is a fact, there's no debate over it, and still, uninformed "swing" voters will vote to the detriment of the country based on feelings.
  7. More like the malnourished kid remaining malnourished because they heard the guy trying to give them steak was tweeting mean stuff.
  8. Bunch of wackos, how dare they question election results.
  9. I will, they filled out the ballot for a poor choice, all the while having a record they could have checked. Maybe they are voting for exactly what they want, which makes them even worse.
  10. News flash, the right will not win today's moderate vote. 30 years ago the moderate vote would not be offended by allowing states to decide whether or not women can indiscriminately kill the unborn, they wouldn't want to see open borders, low taxes and low unemployment was important, they wanted fossil fuel and all the jobs it provided and they weren't crying about free college, it's a different moderate vote that is uninformed and can be swayed by shysters and smooth talkers promising crap they'll never deliver. The democrats have been overtaken by the AOC crowd and the country is heading to a bad place but somehow that can be overlooked because some candidates, in your opinion, are simply too mean-spirited and dare to think Trump did a good job (which he did). Unwoke nailed it, it's feelings over policy, mainly because this moderate swing voter you tout has no clue what the policy is, or doesn't care, or both. Might take a while, but it's game over, trust me.
  11. Are you talking about the energy independence, lower taxes, low unemployment, build the wall, 3 conservative SCJ blueprint? Or are you talking about the crass mean tweet blueprint? I know which one carries more weight in the crowd you continuously make excuses for.
  12. Folks keep electing these democrats that want to defund the police, push the green energy policies while destroying our fossil fuel industry, have open borders, the list goes on....basically voting in candidates with voting records that are detrimental to this country. At what point should we place blame on the voter for making bad choices and quit blaming the better candidate? I would like to hear what her radical policies are as well instead of she was simply a Trump disciple.
  13. Arizona’s loss, you’ll see the same crap show next election cycle, democrats sure aren’t going to clean their mess up. It also helps to have a state with plenty of “sensitive” voters. Arizona is gone.
  14. Some of the stuff you see now is unbelievable, and yet it's really happening.
  15. [Hidden Content] From the article: A Georgia-based activist was ripped on social media for accusing Elon Musk of starving Twitter employees, after it was revealed that free lunches will no longer be provided at the company. On Friday, The New York Times released a report detailing Musk’s tumultuous takeover of Twitter, with workers telling the paper that their new boss plans to make employees pay for lunch at the company cafeteria. Lunches were free under previous management. That same day, "super followable" Democrat activist Andrew Wortman shared a link to the article, writing, "He fired ¾ of the employees. Now he’s planning to starve the rest of them. He’s failure incarnate." 🤣🤣🤣
  16. Prayers and strength for your family.
  17. Happy Veteran’s Day, thank you for your service.
  18. Trump worshipper, smh
  19. Agree, you can get on Warnock’s site and see all his views, very left and big government. Walker is definitely no smooth talker but we’ll see if his voting follows his rhetoric, that’s all I care about.
  20. I look at this very simplistically, it is incumbent on the voter to research enough to make a choice of candidate that will not harm or damage this country. Many made that choice in biden without having a clue who they were choosing, that’s on them. Voting is a great responsibility we are given and should be treated that way. You make a poor choice, that’s on you. We don’t seem to want to apply that at all anymore, my poor choice can be blamed on someone else.
  21. I can’t argue that but they do have some truth and they will print articles many won’t touch, that turns out to be accurate.
  22. You are correct, an embarrassment and a danger to this great country, and we can see from the latest elections these folks are still insistent on staying the course. And these are the folks we should pivot towards...Lord, help us.
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