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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content] Shocker 🙄 From the article: A new study reveals that local Democratic officials and Soros-backed prosecutors in cities and counties are responsible for the rising violent crime rates in otherwise red states. The study debunks recent claims by Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, that rising crime rates are due to policies pursued by Republican or "Trump" states. "The Blue City Murder Problem," a study published Friday by the Edwin Meese III Center for Judicial and Legal Studies at the Heritage Foundation, found that, of the 30 American cities with the highest murder rates, 27 have Democratic mayors. Within those cities, there are at least 14 "rogue prosecutors" either backed or inspired by billionaire Democrat supporter George Soros. Authors of the study, Charles Stimson, Zack Smith and Kevin D. Dayaratna, concluded, "Whether a state as a whole voted for Donald Trump or Joe Biden has nothing whatever to do with the homicide rates within its constituent parts." "The high murder rate is almost exclusively cabined in cities run by Democrats and with Democrat district attorneys, many of whom are Soros bought-and-paid-for rogue prosecutors or inspired by Soros, groups like the egregiously misnamed Fair and Just Prosecution and other battering rams of the movement," they wrote.
  2. Agree with this, the alternative is everyone is in lock-step together and if you dare get out of line, you get attacked. For example, Tulsi Gabbard, who is very liberal but made the mistake of voicing her love for this country, democrats can't have that.
  3. The only thing that matters in what you said is that he wasn’t a bad President, I would say he was a good President. Why anyone cares about his ego or motives is beyond me. I don’t like the guy and I couldn’t care less if he likes me, he was a good President, that’s ALL that matters.
  4. Just can’t help himself, can’t keep that mouth shut. Now cue the snowflakes.
  5. Would not be surprised to read about this guy hanging himself in his cell.
  6. The view has to have the dumbest audience of all time, even worse than Jerry Springer…they actually think they are getting real news. And Sunny Hostin is nothing but a racist political hack.
  7. I’m not wasting my time. If you want to know, do your research.
  8. The truth hurts some folks...it's still the thruth.
  9. Agree, called for actions that caused untold damage to this country and it's citizens and will not pay a price.
  10. [Hidden Content] Pretty amazing the different approach democrats take on crime depending who it is. This mother was killed due to democrat soft on crime policies and this boyfriend kook that hit paul pelosi will probably never see the light of day. From the article: Keaira Bennefield, 30, was fatally shot in front of her children at about 8:30 in the morning on Oct. 5, less than 24 hours after her estranged husband was released from custody without bail for allegedly beating her. Adam Bennefield, 45, allegedly rammed his car into his wife’s vehicle that morning while she was taking her three children to school. The kids, who range from ages 6 months to 9 years, were in the car when he allegedly shot her execution-style.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. No problem here, can't all these tech folks get a job in the green energy field like they told all the coal miners and pipeline workers to do.
  13. He was no doubt quite the fundraiser.
  14. When you gut the military AND Gingrich comes in and tightens the purse strings with a Republican congress, it makes you look ok. Clinton claimed the successes of others, like he did his whole pathetic life.
  15. And it would be a waste of time to try and change that.
  16. Yep, that 6th shot and 2 more boosters should do the trick, guaranteed!
  17. From Pelosi’s husband getting beat up by his boyfriend to the housing crisis, we have covered some ground here, lol.
  18. Housing crisis caused by lending practices under Dodd and Frank.
  19. I think it's a combination of TDS (he obviously doesn't like the guy, but neither do I) and pot-stirring, which he is very good at. Hard to tell the difference sometimes, lol, but it's an entertaining debate.
  20. Unemployment and inflation both went down under the policies...anytime the private sector can keep more money in their pockets, even the big bad rich guys, it's a win for the economy. The alternative is to let the government keep more money, which seems to be your preference.
  21. Still on the Trump thing.... 🤦‍♂️
  22. And that's the point that some can't get, I'm opposed to a lot of the crap the Republican party has done, but they align with at least some of the things I believe in, the Democrats are polar opposites. It is a shame that the Republican party platform and the Republicans are so far apart, but the choice between them and the Democrats is still a no-brainer for me.
  23. That caught me as well... "I don't have a source for my opinions, they're my original thoughts".
  24. [Hidden Content] The biden administration, once again, fighting a state to keep it from protecting it's border. From the article: The containers were put in place in August to fill gaps in the border, which Ducey said was pushing back against "the inaction of the Biden administration in stopping migrants from entering the state from Mexico," according to the Associated Press. Ducey’s plan is to cover a 10-mile section of the border using more than 2,700 containers, each 60-feet long. But the Biden administration continues to demand Ducey remove the barriers, with claims that the state is trespassing on federal lands. "The unauthorized placement of those containers constitutes a violation of federal law and is a trespass against the United States," Jacklynn Gould, regional director for the Bureau of Reclamation’s Lower Colorado Basin said in a letter to Arizona. "That trespass is harming federal lands and resources and impeding Reclamation’s ability to perform its mission." Gould’s department falls under the Department of Interior, and in her letter, she stated a contract was awarded by the Department of Homeland Security to close gaps near Morelos Dam. Additionally, she said she expects another award being handed out for two more gaps in the area. "They say this is federal land, and it is, but it would be trespassing supposedly to put these containers on there," Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls, also a Republican, said in an interview with Fox News. "Well, my contention is that 300,000 people that have come through this year alone, they’ve been trespassing, and I don’t remember seeing a letter going out to anybody to try to stop any of that."
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