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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I was referring to your bias when addressing corruption on both sides, your TDS has you blinded. You have a good day, wasted enough time here.
  2. That’s just how it works, you vote on closest to your ideals and hope they get elected AND follow through on promises. Most of the time they’re can’t because the other side spends all their time blocking them…for example, the border wall.
  3. Certainly ate up with hating on Trump, while not much comment on the biden crime family. Sadly, there’s a lot of them.
  4. I’m talking core values as far as the parties go, there’s a difference. Jimmy Carter was probably one of the most moral Presidents we have had, but he was a horrible President. Once again, out biggest problem we have now is folks like yourself that vote based on emotion or simply who they “like” better, rather than results. If you’re waiting on a virtuous candidate for President, good luck.
  5. That speaks volumes about your voting process, no core values, you can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Not a fan of either, but there is a huge difference, policy-wise. If it makes you feel better, there are millions that think the same way in this country, that's why we're in the sad shape we're in.
  6. Oh, I made the right choice and current events are proving it. It’s only the hardcore TDS snowflakes like yourself that can’t accept it. I guess I’m more concerned with the state of the country than being “right”. Good luck on your next write in, I’m sure you think you’re making a difference, lol.
  7. Oh that's right, you wrote someone in, how did that work out INMAGAWETRUST, did they win?
  8. One of my favorites.
  9. You are dealing with all guy that is 30 years old and has never voted. Never managed to get off mom’s couch and use the most precious freedom given to us and preserved by our bravest and finest. His whole life having politicians make decisions for him that he couldn’t find the time to decide on…all while having the nerve to call others sheep, while he’s the one being led by those he had no say in. Pathetic
  10. Yep
  11. Wow, seems I’m not the only one crazy enough to trust a teenager with access to a gun. Better be careful, according to Cardinalbacker, every teenager is a mass murderer looking for the right time.
  12. I guess it wasn’t needed until the left became so radical. They sure take their baby killing seriously.
  13. Incorrect, simply google policies Trump put in place day one to fix the disaster from Obama. Remember, Obama was the genius that said 7-8% unemployment was the “new normal “. Trump called him out on that and proved him wrong.
  14. lol, I was reading that earlier and thought the same thing.
  15. [Hidden Content] Just make drugs legal and all our problems are solved, isn’t that what we’re told?
  16. How enlightening, thanks for sharing. 🙄
  17. That's all I've ever known it to mean, nothing religious.
  18. If we made a new thread about the blm riots, would you comment on them? They already exist, don't recall you posting.
  19. I think there are a lot of folks that call the "mess" his mean tweets and comments. They have no idea what is going on in this country, policy wise, so they simply vote on appearance and whether or not they like the candidate, whoever makes them feel good. The low information, American Idol voter. Many of these are folks haven't made a decision up to the debates because they want to hear what they have to say, even though they have years and years of experience to base a decision on. They just simply don't pay attention. This is our biggest problem, not the candidates.
  20. I think Kamala made the same speech, with several pauses to giggle, of course.
  21. [Hidden Content] Liberals losing their minds over Musk not supporting their socialist platform...I love it. He voted for Maya Floras, but somehow supports white supremacy, lol.
  22. 🤦
  23. From the article: "The Democrat Party has been in control here in South Texas for over 100 years and feel entitled to our vote. They feel they don’t have to do anything to earn our vote. And we sent a strong message to Washington, and we sent a strong message to Democrat Party that you have to get to work. If not, you’re going to get voted out,"
  24. Is that the same Mr. Obama that Biden was so impressed with because he was articulate and clean? But Trump’s the racist, right?
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