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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. We'll just have to disagree, I don't see an effective method of stopping these shootings by hopefully spotting signs that you can't legally do anything about. Lots of weird folks running around, not all of them are dangerous. Don't get me wrong, I see where you're coming from and putting something in place is worth a try, but make the schools safer. We do the same thing with our homes, make it harder for bad guys to gain entry and many have a method of dealing with them when they do gain entry.
  4. [Hidden Content] Commentary on ESPN, the "sports" network. From the article: The five Tampa Bay Rays players who refused to wear the gay pride logo on their uniforms because of their religious beliefs are "bigots," says ESPN commentator Sarah Spain. "[This] is what tends to happen when frivolous class isn’t affected by things," Spain begins. "That religious exemption BS is used in sports and otherwise also allows for people to be denied health care, jobs, apartments, children, prescriptions, all sorts of rights. "We have to stop tiptoeing around it because we’re trying to protect people who are trying to be bigoted from asking for them to be exempt from it, when the very people that they are bigoted against are suffering the consequences you say trying to be bigoted." Got all that? Spain has no respect for your religion or any opinions that differ from hers. She represents the party of tolerance. The five "bigots" in question are Jason Adam, Jalen Beeks, Brooks Raley, Jeffrey Springs and Ryan Thompson.
  5. You can say we are going to focus on mental health issues and I agree with doing that, I also know that a relative will most likely never realize the danger of someone that is showing these signs. Oh, they’re just going through a phase…that method of stopping someone is very fallible. Make the schools safer is #1, everything else is a very distant 2nd.
  6. Hardening schools is the ONLY answer when a shooter enters the school, which they will, no matter how many preventative measures. Tell me how you would have stopped the shooter in Uvalde, he had a screw loose but nothing that could have had him legally restrained. He shot his grandmother but by the time that was realized, it was too late. If the folks around someone fail to recognize or ignore issues that lead to something like this, the only way to stop him is to make schools less softer targets.
  7. At a game in Texas I’m sure they would be dealing with some folks shooting back. How do your keep it from happening if a nut has made up his mind? You can’t. And I don’t believe waiting periods and new laws will stop them either. If someone comes up with any that actually work I would be all for it.
  8. To your point… [Hidden Content] From the article: Catholic bishops in Colorado published an open letter Monday requesting that Catholic state lawmakers who voted in favor of an abortion bill "voluntarily refrain from Holy Communion." Voting for the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA), the bishops wrote, was "participating in a gravely sinful action because it facilitates the killing of innocent unborn babies."
  9. I don’t disagree at all that folks around someone like this should act when there are signs, usually there are some, in this case there were plenty. When I say act, all someone can really do is try and get them some help, until they’ve actually done something, there’s not much that can be done legally. That being said, these guys are going to keep coming and the best way to protect the kids are to make the schools harder to enter if you have no business being there and when someone still gets in (which they will) have facilities (difficult to enter doors) and protocols in place (keep them locked) and on campus police as well as trained teachers that are armed. (costs money, I know) Make a school campus a very dangerous place for the bad guy…cops can’t be everywhere, wish they could, but they can’t.
  10. Thought for sure taking down all the statues would do the trick.
  11. [Hidden Content] I'll start by saying I can't imagine what this teacher, that lost 11 students went through. He is now blaming the police response for what happened. He had students in his classroom, they heard shots, started to hide under desks and he said he turned around and he (Ramos) was standing in his classroom. After all that we have heard about the metal doors that would be very difficult to breech, why weren't they locked? So a door was left open that the shooter came through and the classroom doesn't look like it was locked but the teacher, along with many others, is saying the police and not enough gun laws are to blame.
  12. Wow, now that's some good news.
  13. Biggest threat to this great country by far, the uneducated (low information) vote....AND the folks that go after them.
  14. [Hidden Content] Liberals live in their own little world...and they're always the victim. Not sure how you say something like this with a straight face. From the article: A new book excerpt from former Obama White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer claimed Monday that Democrats' problems with messaging stem from the fact that they are "out-gunned" because "conservative media dwarfs the progressive media in size and scope."
  15. [Hidden Content] I agree with safety measures like this...I had said in an earlier post making school access similar to refineries in that anyone coming in could be monitored. From the article: Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed an executive order aimed at enhancing school safety and guiding parents on how to weigh in on school building security on Monday. Executive Order 97 creates a guide for parents on how to contact school administrators and local law enforcement to improve security. Lee called on schools to implement "simple practices," such as ensuring a single point of entry to the school and multiple points of exit.
  16. The left is all about free speech...as long as your speech is approved by them.
  17. Great comeback.
  18. According to these guys, it makes it look like they could have responded the way they should have. Makes me wonder why the DPS threw them under the bus so early when there was no way they had time to examine events like these guys did.
  19. Thanks for that, unfortunately folks are hearing some of this from some law enforcement, I remember now it was 3 or 4 retired police and military on the “new” Rush Limbaugh show saying this or a version of it, always go in. Us laymen don’t know protocol so this basically adds fuel to the fire for the media, and police critics.
  20. I agree with you on this, to go into a situation that is almost suicidal rather than create a game plan makes no sense to me. But I actually heard this from a retired police officer on one of the cable shows (can’t remember which). This makes the situation even worse when folks hear this from cops, furthering the storyline that these guys MUST have screwed up.
  21. I’ve heard law enforcement folks(that weren’t there) say the first officers on site should do all they could to engage the shooter to make themselves the target rather than the kids, what’s your thoughts on that?
  22. That’s the one folks ought to watch to at least get a better perspective. It looks like there were decisions made that could have been better, even other law enforcement saying so, but I don’t get the media seemingly going out of their way to make the cops look like they just stood around for over an hour doing nothing. I guess they do it because it sells. Bottom line, the truth will eventually comes out, we’re just not willing to wait these days.
  23. [Hidden Content] From the article: Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, said the DOJ, which grew notoriety for leaking under former President Donald Trump, was remarkably silent about the deceased convicted pedophile. "Only thing more remarkable than DOJ not leaking the list is that no one in the media cares," Musk tweeted.
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