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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Nah, just arrest made on a guy headed to a SCJ house with a gun, knife, duct tape and zip ties.
  2. I can cherry pick individuals that have far far left views all day long, I’m talking about the far right you speak of that is actually putting policies in place, you know, stuff that affects your life, not some little nothing list of opinions. Try again.
  3. What are you calling far right? Just a few examples . And yeah, my way was the right way, certainly in the last election anyway, that has been proven.
  4. Middle folks always scratching their head in confusion, that’s the problem.
  5. Democrats, mainly Frank and Dodd, caused the housing bubble while the Bush administration raised red flags, been posted by myself and others already and very easy to verify. But I’m sure you won’t bother to check it out. You really need to educate yourself on history if you wanted to throw it in folk’s faces.
  6. I’d like to hear an answer to this myself. I wonder if 45 will actually answer? You know, debate, like adults.
  7. Apparently those unnamed sources carry more weight than the actual source, lol. He’s absolutely ate up with it.
  8. Like I’ve said before, libs take their right to kill babies very serious.
  9. So you’re saying we’ve become such a debased irresponsible society that the mechanism to kill babies in the womb on demand should stay in place? Serious question.
  10. You’re a sheep because you put getting votes and your guy in office over doing the right thing.
  11. So go along and do what you have to do to make sure you get the votes, the unborn kids be damned. You, sir, are the ultimate sheep.
  12. That is the exact thought I had when you see some of the reactions on this, I remember hearing that there would be blood running in the streets if concealed carry was passed.
  13. Hey y'all, watch this! (in Russian)
  14. How did we manage all the unwanted babies and crime before 1973? smh
  15. 🤦‍♂️ ...another analogy. Bottom line, folks like myself made a choice for what was good for the country, folks that voted for biden made a horrible choice. You seem to think that the problem is all about a man, it's not. We're in a place now where we have to put up a candidate that will appease moderates that have no clue what is going on, and that problem is only getting worse, can't fix that. Biden had a track record of 47 years of HORRIBLE policies and was as crooked as they come and Trump had just achieved energy independence, elected great SCJs, was building the wall, record low unemployment for minorities...but he tweeted mean stuff, seriously??? I won't argue with you that Trump is unlikeable, but I sure won't agree that the fault of losing lies 100% on him and not the low information ignorant voters that put the fool we have now in office. Vote how you want, I don't care, if Trump runs again I'll sure vote for him, and it will be the right choice, that's been proven without a doubt.
  16. Trump did some good things as President but lots of the morons voting now don't vote based on results, it's whether they like someone. I don't like the guy either, but I knew who would be better for the country. Spin it how you want, Trump was the right choice, anyone that can't see that is a fool.
  17. [Hidden Content] From the article: Oregon teachers at the Errol Hassell Elementary School sent school administrators an email claiming that eye-rolling directed at a principal, among other alleged actions they observed, is an example of a "harmful practice rooted in White supremacy" that is happening in the workplace.
  18. Turns out they were right, they saw this train wreck coming. All we can do is try and make the right choice, (Trump voters) can't fix stupid (biden voters).
  19. I think the fools that voted for him are worse, they're still here, still voting, and no smarter than they were when they voted for this idiot.
  20. Been going on for a while with other agencies also. I would imagine the thought process is better them than us.
  21. Yep, I also love the “they pay a lower percentage” argument. Personally, I would rather individuals and corporations keep as much as they legally can, the alternative is sending it to the federal government to waste.
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