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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content] From the article: Germany plans to bring back coal- and oil-fired power plants should Russia cut off natural gas shipments to Europe’s largest economy.
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. lol, says the democrat
  4. No need to get notted up, I’m simply saying there are lots of things the Republicans do that I disagree with, mainly spending too much, but they’re much closer to my ideas than the democrats for sure. As far as standing your ground as a squishy moderate, knock yourself out.
  5. Not ideas my cult likes.
  6. I enjoy being in the cult that wants lower taxes, smaller government, secure borders, energy independence and would like to stop murdering our most innocent for convenience.
  7. This is how to protect kids at school, not passing new guns laws that the bad guys will ignore anyway.
  8. Same answer I got.
  9. We need to hurry up and ban bump stocks in case these guys have any.
  10. Nobody said do nothing, just not the liberal gun grabbing policies you’ve proposed. Make something illegal so a bad guy can’t have one…GREAT IDEA.
  11. You make the most ridiculous posts I have ever read. A parent just lucks out if their kid doesn’t become a mass murderer? And you didn’t answer the question, how would you have your kids defend themselves if they are home alone?
  12. You’re the one that seems to think your kids are the same…and you can’t answer a simple question, again.
  13. Sorry your kids had the potential, mine didn’t not. If a bad guy is breaking through the window and your kids are home alone and they have you on the phone, what do you tell them? Call 911 so they can come and make a report? smh
  14. Very well since she was trained to even have it.
  15. Very well, since she would have been trained with it to even have it in school. I guess you would have her hiding with 30 kids and no means of protection…smh.
  16. Yep, that’s what I can’t seem to get out of these guys. What new gun laws would have prevented this. None.
  17. These are after the fact AND it has nothing to do with stopping the crime. It also isn’t a compromise from gun owners you keep whining about. If someone buys a gun legally from a dealer, why is it their fault? You can tell if someone is drunk, not intent with a gun. Makes as much sense as charging a car dealer if someone kills someone in an accident.
  18. No, you haven’t.
  19. Make the schools safer and more dangerous for the bad guy, they won’t stop going to easy targets. Why don’t guys like this go to the local diner in these carry times? Because they know there will be folks that shoot back.
  20. So absolutely nothing that would have prevented this.
  21. So no ideas? I can’t get an answer from Bobcat, CB or you on what law abiding gun owners can give up to stop maniacs from doing this, even though I’m told we should compromise.
  22. All good ideas but I haven’t heard what you are planning on giving up as a gun owner to make things better. I keep hearing compromise but no one will tell me what law abiding gun owners should give up and how it will improve things.
  23. Read it on cnn, must be true. 😂😂😂😂😂
  24. Seems you’ve lost the argument since you cannot come up with a single common sense “compromise” gun owners can make to stop maniacs like this. You also don’t seem to grasp that not all teenagers are evil morons that could snap at any minute and shoot up a school. Answer the question, what can I compromise as a gun owner to stop all this. Fourth timer asking.
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