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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. The democrats are definitely killing this country, no doubt about it. But hey, no more mean tweets.
  2. Agree, but keep making them say no by vote or veto to the right thing .
  3. [Hidden Content] From the article: FBI leadership, including then-Director James Comey, was "fired up" about the alleged covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank in the days after Michael Sussmann brought the allegations to the bureau, according to testimony and documents revealed in the trial.
  4. But we’re supposed to believe TDS was the driving force to send 80 million plus to the polls to vote for biden. 🤦
  5. [Hidden Content] smh that this even has to be done. One of the few things the federal gov is responsible for and they will not do it, simply for the sake of more votes. ...but biden is doing a great job. From the article: New legislation introduced Tuesday by Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa., would allow border wall materials going unused due to the Biden administration's ending of construction to be handed over to states who want to finish the incomplete Trump-era project. The BUILD IT Act would require the federal government to transfer any border wall materials that were contracted for but have not been used, to border states like Arizona and Texas, for construction of barriers and walls. States would have to certify those materials are being used to build a border barrier. The Trump administration built more than 400 miles of border wall, but the project was not completed by the time the Biden administration came into office. President Biden immediately ordered a halt on further wall construction.
  6. 🤦‍♂️ And that's even reading from notes.
  7. I think the protocol is continue counting until you get the required result.
  8. On the internet, must be true, lol. Same folks that buy this want to see biden run again.
  9. They’re both very good but they can’t top the king of fake. [Hidden Content]
  10. Nothing. This is the kind of crap we should give no traction and tell the woke crowd to pound sand.
  11. Secretly wishing this would never been been discovered, we’ll see the same shameful hiding when the election fraud is proven, it’s what they do.
  12. [Hidden Content] And nothing will be done about this because the left is ok with their guys pulling this kind of crap.
  13. Exactly right, the folks that are supposed to investigate this type of activity are corrupt and refuse to do so, unless you’re a Republican in which they’ll go after you for nothing.
  14. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. Joseph Stalin Whether or not Stalin actually said it, democrats have figured this one out.
  15. From the article: The final tally of literally everything he put into his body over a full 18 holes: 21 cigs 12 Diet Cokes 6 packs of Peanut M&M's 0.0 ounces of water 😂
  16. Too old to do anything? Seriously? He’s done plenty…made a mess of the Afghanistan withdrawal, destroyed our short stint of energy independence, shut down the wall and made a mess of the border, the list is long of things he’s done, all bad.
  17. Democrats are a pathetic lot.
  18. Insurrection if it's conservatives, peaceful protest if it's liberals.
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