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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. WOW, is that real? Wasn’t calling it a fetus, called it a baby.
  2. Oh, so you aren't worried about doing anything about it, only how you can make money from it. You're trying to become the rich get richer 1% you are always complaining about....nice!
  3. Get back to solving the wealth transfer problem and quit wasting your valuable time with us.
  4. Amazes me that folks compare the left and right and seem to think them equally dangerous in their views and actions.
  5. The pro life crowd spends much more private money for their cause than the pro abortion crowd…not even close.
  6. Must have been the Keystone pipeline call.
  7. How about that energy independence? Make your case for your guy. BTW, those numbers aren't reliable, never are under a democrat president, even you know that. It's skewed in favor of the democrat just like wartime deaths, covid deaths and yes, even unemployment numbers.
  8. Anyone that wants to make a difference should volunteer time or give money to a pregnancy hope center. Nothing saves the life of a baby more often when the mother is not sure about what to do than her seeing the baby on an ultrasound or hearing the heartbeat. Not to be confused with planned parenthood which is nothing more than an abortion mill and parts harvester.
  9. You only like Romney because he voted to impeach Trump (it's on Wikipedia), the TDS bond is tight.
  10. Would Mitt have had us energy independent for the first time ever and at the lowest unemployment rates in decades? No
  11. Already raised all mine, currently investing heavily in raising others. Still choosing party #2, I see you aren't.
  12. That you show support for clowns like Romney and won't even acknowledge Trump's success (won't even bother to list again) is telling of your political and business ignorance. And you haven't done anything about the problem so you're as much as a whiner about something you can't change as you claim others are. Your answers are pie in the sky, it's like me sitting back and saying we should have term limits and line item veto, sounds great, ain't happening.
  13. So what are you doing to fix this while we are busy arguing other issues? Surely you have the fix.
  14. Let’s see, do I want to be a member of the young hipster party that has no problem snuffing out the lives of unborn children for convenience or the party of old fuddy duddies that would love to save every one of them? 🤔
  15. One day you’ll find out you’re wrong, hopefully sooner than later.
  16. So if it has a heartbeat, you don’t necessarily consider it a child?
  17. That's the fact that abortion supporters don't like to deal with. Call it a medical procedure to make themselves feel better about it, bottom line, the result of an abortion is the ending of a life.
  18. Yep, that’s where many are. 63,000,000…what the hell, let’s keep going.
  19. But somehow yours is not a whacky religious stance but mine is. You can’t even keep track of the crap you spew.
  20. [Hidden Content] From the article: "Having this doddering fool as President is the greatest threat our country has faced in nearly 70 years," tweeted Texas Republican Party chairman Matt Rinaldi. Truer words have never been spoken.
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