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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. The war in Ukraine will have a major impact on agriculture and supply with them being the #1 producer of sunflowers (oil) and being in the top 10 producers for corn, soybeans and wheat. Over a million acres that may not be harvested, or even planted.
  2. [Hidden Content] Omar concerned about sending weapons to Ukraine because they might fall into the wrong hands. I don't remember hearing a peep from her about us leaving billions for the Taliban when the biden approved withdrawal from Afghanistan occurred.
  3. Lots of the folks in this poll voted for this fool wanting something already happening. What’s sad is many are too ignorant of current events to realize this was going to happen.
  4. [Hidden Content] From the article: A full 70% of likely voters believe the U.S. government should encourage increased oil and gas production to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign sources, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released on Monday. I seem to recall a guy that already accomplished this but a bunch of whiny snowflakes voted him out.
  5. [Hidden Content] 🤦‍♂️ From the article: President Biden may be exploring additional options for oil with a possible trip to Saudi Arabia in the coming months, a new report said. According to Axios, the president’s advisers are considering the trip as a way to mend fences with the Islamic nation and get them to produce more oil to offset the loss that would come should the U.S. ban the purchase of oil from Russia. The meeting would come at a time when Americans are hurting due to inflation, which has been particularly noticeable at the gas pump, with prices climbing higher and higher. Biden spent much of last year citing the need to move away from fossil fuels because climate change was the "greatest threat" to the country, and one of his first acts was to shut down the Keystone XL oil pipeline.
  6. Agree, just not in the petrochemical industry, unless you want to risk losing your job on a random. If you are involved in an accident that causes damages or injury, you are automatically tested.
  7. Lol, those things will work you to death, better not let your grass get too tall with one of those.
  8. Even if it’s legal, if you test positive, they’ll fire you. They have no way of knowing if you smoked last night or an hour ago. Anyone that has to work in this atmosphere will appreciate this. Want to smoke dope, get a job where you can’t hurt anyone.
  9. They won’t fire you, but you can bet they’ll find out if you do have a legal prescription and if you don’t, they’ll fire you.
  10. Yep, and if you take legal painkillers prescribed to you and show up impaired, you’re fired.
  11. They won’t hold up. Plants that could have a serious accident if someone is impaired while at work won’t quit random testing just because some dopey politicians say it’s legal. Sad that this is such a motivator for so many to get out and vote.
  12. Another swing and miss, keep trying.
  13. All the refineries and chemical plants will continue to test.
  14. I repeat, if you are still undecided between Abbott and Beto in the name of being a moderate or undecided, you are uninformed, period.
  15. Agree, not too worried about it.
  16. That's the biggest problem with what we have going on right now, the so called "enlightened" undecided voter. If you are undecided at this point against Abbott or Beto, you have no business voting, BUT they do...can't fix that. Same for Trump and Biden, these so called moderates (uninformed) voters are killing this country. You also can't fix the fact that there are morons that choose abhorrent policies over abhorrent behavior.
  17. He didn't throw it away, 80 million plus nitwits handed it to Biden, how's that working out. I had enough sense to know this would go bad, why couldn't the snowflakes figure it out? Don't answer, at this point I really don't care.
  18. So now it's the fault of the voters if Abbot doesn't get elected but with Trump is was his fault...make up your mind. I fixed your last statement for you.
  19. Another silly emotional post, lol.
  20. Come on, man...it's when there is more than one Russi.
  21. I did see where you were making fun but I think your statement may have a lot of truth in it. By the way, I know you are no fan of Biden. As far as BG, I was simply remarking on her debating skills.
  22. Nothing anymore, he flushed them like you said.
  23. It probably is good enough for 81 million of them, hence our biggest problem.
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