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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Good grief, that takes get off my lawn to another level. Horrible scene for the wife and daughter.
  2. No doubt, anyone else would have been "handled". Probably had an MP5 under the fur.
  3. All hands on deck when Joe is about to speak, can't hardly blame them. Embarrassing.
  4. [Hidden Content] Another great job from our liberal friends. Who would have dreamed that defunding the police would increase crime?
  5. That is a bad one.
  6. 🤦‍♂️
  7. That’s the best party of an article lots of times.
  8. Sounds good to me but I'm not too sure I would give the American voters that much credit for making smart choices that are good for the country, especially the fickle moderates. Look what they did to us in 2020.
  9. No change for me, wasn't thrilled about how he handled times during the covid but overall a decent job, gets my vote.
  10. It is somewhat of a publicity stunt but I also think one of the reasons is to force the Biden administration's hand on this. If they balk on busing these folks to their doorstep, it will raise the question as to why this is ok in border states and not DC.
  11. [Hidden Content] 🤦‍♂️ From the article: The Biden administration is claiming that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's inspection of trucks entering the U.S. from Mexico is not only "unnecessary," but contributing to inflation throughout the country. You really do have to be a dimwit to vote for these people.
  12. From the article: By one measurement, as many as a staggering 70% of all passengers are free riders. But even that is only an estimate as there is almost no fare enforcement. Sound Transit did away with fare enforcement officers after a study revealed people of color were disproportionately getting fined. Instead, the system now relies on fare ambassadors. There are only a handful for the whole light rail system, so riders will rarely encounter them. They currently engage only 2% of all riders. Sounds like the fare ambassadors are working out as well as the violence interrupters...smh.
  13. And I’m not talking about this particular event only. I believe there has been enough evidence to warrant at least investigating whether there was wrongdoing. Some may think this can be looked into and wrapped up in a short time frame, but it can’t. As far as the Russian activity, you’ll have to check with the democrats.
  14. But it's worth looking into further, wouldn't you agree?
  15. I wouldn't waste my time. By pointing out that these agencies were "run" by Trump appointees clearly shows he has idea what the real "swamp" is.
  16. That would have been my first thought, you’re free to go, watch the poo.
  17. But I'm sure you have no problem with the investigating continuing, right. I can recall the claims that Trump had stolen the election and all the Russian collusion involved. I also can remember folks being ridiculed for even challenging that it wasn't true. Trump was sure to be impeached and convicted, no question of his guilt, especially by folks like you and the main stream media. And look how that worked itself out, it was all made up by the corrupt democrats, but it sure took a while to come out. You Trump haters looked silly when the truth came out on that one and I would think you would have learned your lesson to wait on the results on the election fraud...never underestimate the level of corruption the democrats will stoop to get their way. Be patient and let those concerned about election integrity do their thing, you certainly wouldn't want to look silly again, would you?
  18. Nothing
  19. Oh, I wasn’t disputing that’s it’s the law of the land, I was simply pointing out that it’s sad that we have come to a point where you can’t violate someone’s right to kill their own child.
  20. All it takes is an ignorant group of voters, advantage democrats.
  21. He was dragged to it by Newt, remember his "welfare reform". And the fool cut the main thing gov should spend money on, the military. You'll never see me defending the big spending, they all do but your hero gets credit for policies he was dragged kicking and screaming to. Your recollection of Clinton policies is almost as bad as your recollection of Trump policies.
  22. Says the guy who thinks Bill Clinton was the greatest president of all time, lol. Also, that Trump lacked the basic "ethics" of elected officials is what made him more welcome. By your standard we'll keep electing the same old crooked (but experienced) politicians like Biden. Your TDS really came out on that one.
  23. Maybe not, but "If you vote for them you are stupid" sounds about right.
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