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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan
Oh, I wasn’t disputing that’s it’s the law of the land, I was simply pointing out that it’s sad that we have come to a point where you can’t violate someone’s right to kill their own child.
All it takes is an ignorant group of voters, advantage democrats.
He was dragged to it by Newt, remember his "welfare reform". And the fool cut the main thing gov should spend money on, the military. You'll never see me defending the big spending, they all do but your hero gets credit for policies he was dragged kicking and screaming to. Your recollection of Clinton policies is almost as bad as your recollection of Trump policies.
Says the guy who thinks Bill Clinton was the greatest president of all time, lol. Also, that Trump lacked the basic "ethics" of elected officials is what made him more welcome. By your standard we'll keep electing the same old crooked (but experienced) politicians like Biden. Your TDS really came out on that one.
Maybe not, but "If you vote for them you are stupid" sounds about right.
You're not the voter that I'm calling a snowflake, you have made it clear that you can't stand Trump, (I'm not a fan of the guy myself) but you STILL knew better than to vote for Biden. I assume you knew that it would turn out bad. The folks that worry me are those that had no clue that this was coming and the only way to get their vote is to make them feel good about themselves and what can be done for them.
You're making my point that I have been saying for a while, we have a country full of low information voters that chose a corrupt idiot that has 50 years experience and has done nothing other than push entitlements with it over a president that had the country moving like we have never seen. There is no helping folks that can't put results over their feelings. We're done. A pretty boy candidate that will swoon folks in the debates and promise free stuff is what wins these days. This is exactly where we are at now and there's no tuning back. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.” ― Alexander Fraser Tytler
Commit murder and make money from it, sweet deal unless you're the baby.
lol, yea no difference. One way continues energy independence, security at the border, choosing SCJ that don't cater to pedophiles and record low unemployment and the other way is what we have now, a laughing stock administration. Only one choice was stupid, quit carrying water for the squishy moderates.
And one more thing the federal government has no business in...it's a long list.
Well , there’s a tragic loophole.
So if abortion is ever made illegal, the mother could say she did it and no consequences?
[Hidden Content] A real conundrum for the pro-abortion crowd. Wonder if they will lawyer up for the woman to protect her right to choice or is it only a choice when you pay planned parenthood?
This should be entertaining. 👍
Not sure how you got to there, I’m no better than anyone but obviously myself and many others were smart enough to see this train wreck coming but many didn’t because they have no clue as to what is going on politically. That is something I can’t do anything about, and it’s getting worse, not better.
Can’t worry about something I can’t change. I understand smaller gov, lower taxes, policed borders, having to pay for your school and strict definitions of a man and woman are outdated, but I’ll stick to those and many others that simply make sense. I understand there are lots of moderates in this country that have no clue what is going on and consider the election no different from American Idol, not gonna waste my time worrying about those fools and wouldn’t want a country dictated by their needs. Like I said, I’ll worry about the Democrats getting re-elected, you and CB worry about those crazy Republicans.
Ok you worry about that one, I’ll worry about there being enough idiots to re-elect the two fools.
If we have a voting bloc large enough to be swayed by this after all that has been done and undone under this administration, it’s over anyway, we’re done.
It doesn’t expose anything, the interpretation is murder, actually it says thou shall not take an innocent life. Folks use kill and that certainly doesn’t expose any hypocrisy. What’s hypocritical is that you claim to be conservative, lol.
If you think He sees no difference on the execution of a guilty individual and an unborn child, you need to reread the Bible. Don’t give me the Thou shalt not kill, that’s not the interpretation. The rest of your post is simply more CB nonsense.
No doubt, can’t imagine He is very pleased with a country that’s been so blessed that still chose to allow 50 million plus of His most innocent to be killed….even went through the process of making it “legal”.
🤦 I’ve wasted enough time here.
You guys kill me, our country is blowing up and you're worried about Republicans. Keep up!