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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Don't leave out the support of 81 million snowflakes.
  2. So people aren't accountable for their own vote...gotcha.
  3. It's not a valid argument and I'm not sure whose making it. It is valid to point out that the mess we're in now is the fault of those that voted for Biden...THAT ain't Trump's fault as some would have you believe. Putin isn't the fault of the 81 million voters but how we are having to handle him currently is their fault for electing the 2 idiots. Anyway, it is what it is, we'll deal with it.
  4. [Hidden Content] The bad guys smell weakness.
  5. He said there would be no US or NATO troops sent in. [Hidden Content]
  6. Missed my point I guess, Trump has nothing to do with what's going on but he always gets brought up. And yes, I respond about it being the fault of the butt hurt voters when the claim is made that they're not responsible for their own vote somehow.
  7. You gotta remember that a candidate being cool is the most important factor to many voters...sadly. Remember how cool Obama was? 🤦‍♂️
  8. Russia is invading a country on Biden's watch and all some folks want to talk about is Trump. 🤦‍♂️
  9. lol
  10. The truth doesn't hurt my feelings and the nonsense you spit out sure doesn't Trump didn't hurt my feelings either, what hurts is the mess we have going on now. You made my point once again, hurt little feelings is what has us in this mess, not mean tweets. By the way, I haven't voted for a candidate I felt good about since Reagan, get over the must feel good about them hangup.
  11. No, it's on the voters, plain and simple. You HATE the guy and yet you were smart enough to vote for him because I assume you realized the alternative would be a mess, which it is. It's on the uniformed and butt hurt voters, you're my best proof of this. Bottom line is we have to deal with it now and I hope the snowflakes learned their lesson, but I'm not holding my breath.
  12. No, you fixed it for you and the rest of the snowflakes that made this train wreck happen My way wouldn't have let this happen.
  13. Exactly right...the whining and blaming Trump for this gets old...it's 100% on the uninformed snowflakes. Elections have consequences, we're seeing it.
  14. Reagan, that's as absurd as the Trump / Russia collusion being made up. That's what you'll hear from the enlightened crowd.
  15. Absolutely! By the way, are you calling me an "old head"? 😪 🙂
  16. That guy is hilarious. His bit on second hand smoke cracks me up.
  17. He’d make a fine democrat.
  18. [Hidden Content] Jemele Hill has landed at the perfect spot for her...CNN. Al least not many folks will be listening to her frequent racial rants.
  19. Having daughters that played basketball, we've had to put up with plenty of nonsense like this. I've just always known that the words that come out of someone's mouth defines them, not the person they're taliking about. It goes both ways.
  20. Even the mainstream media is having a tough time covering for blm.
  21. The left shows us everyday where racism lives and thrives.
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