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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Yep, some on here seem to think if markets are good, all is well.
  2. This is your answer, lol. It has been ONE YEAR!!! No charges. I’ll answer for you. Zero
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. [Hidden Content] Unbelievable...you have a radical SCJ making the call on this mandate and lying (purposely, no doubt) about children hospitalized with Covid. From the article: Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor came under withering criticism Friday after she falsely suggested that upwards of 100,000 children in the United States are hospitalized from COVID-19, many of them on ventilators. During oral arguments on the Biden administration's mandate on private businesses for employees to be either vaccinated or frequently tested, Sotomayor drastically overstated the number of young people who have fallen severely ill from coronavirus. "We have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. We have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators," she said. While there are more children hospitalized now than at any point during the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the seven-day average of pediatric hospitalizations was around 3,700 this week, according to the Washington Post. As with prior strains of the virus, younger people are at far less risk than old ones of severe outcomes from the coronavirus. "Fact-checkers. Hello?" Fox News contributor Joe Concha asked in response to Sotomayor.
  5. 👍👍👍👍👍👍
  6. I think you missed the point of the post. It was not a comparison of those events, it was to highlight that the same dunces that bought into the other lies also believe that the Jan 6 mess was an insurrection led by Trump.
  7. Shhhh…there are snowflakes in this country that would think that’s a great idea.
  8. The dementia dude didn’t outsmart anyone other than the fools like you that voted for him.
  9. Don’t feel bad for me, I see things very clearly. How many folks are charged with insurrection?
  10. He's a picture guy...words confuse him.
  11. So the rioting in these cities didn't amount to anything more than looting foot locker? 🤦‍♂️
  12. So you want to comment on Jan 6 as if you are knowledgeable about it but don't know who Ray Epps is? You are a true dimwit...and quit trying to be CardinalBacker with your goofy one-liners, you simply aren't capable.
  13. [Hidden Content] 🤦‍♂️ From the article: In an address delivered as part of a commemoration of the anniversary of the protest in which demonstrators entered the Capitol building, interrupting the counting of electoral votes, Harris included Jan. 6 as one of three dark days in American history. "Certain dates echo throughout history," Harris said. "Including dates that instantly remind all who have lived them where they were and what they were doing when our democracy came under assault. Dates that occupy not only a place on our calendar but a place in our collective memory. Dec. 7, 1941, Sept. 11, 2001, and Jan. 6, 2021." I think one of the darkest days in our history is when sleepy and this idiot got elected.
  14. “Can’t make up my mind until the debates” moderates #1???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  15. Won’t be a problem, Hagar, don’t forget, the globe is warming. Just ask the democrats.
  16. [Hidden Content] 🤦‍♂️ From the article: NBC News suggested Tuesday that kids should double mask as students return to school after winter vacation and the country grapples with the rise of the omicron coronavirus variant. "I actually just sent my kids out the door, minutes ago, with two masks," NBC investigative and consumer correspondent Vicky Nguyen said on "Today." NBC News correspondent Vicky Nguyen demonstrates how to layer a surgical mask underneath a cloth mask for children. (NBC's Today ) Nguyen said KN95 or N95 masks are preferred but it’s "really hard to find them in small kid sizes" so having children wear two masks was the next-best solution. "The second-best option is to make sure you have a kid-sized surgical mask," Nguyen said as she held up a child-sized mask. "You really want to make sure you have one that fits your child's face, and you want to layer the cloth mask over that mask." Nguyen demonstrated layering the cloth mask over a surgical mask to ensure viewers got the message. "The surgical mask goes on first and then the cloth mask," she said. Whether or not kids should be required to wear masks has been a polarizing topic thorough the COVID-19 pandemic. In July, a research letter published in JAMA Network by scientists from Poland, Germany and Austria stemmed from an analysis involving 45 children, who were 10 years old on average, with ages ranging from 6-17, found evidence of unacceptable carbon dioxide levels reached after three minutes of wearing. As a result, the researchers argued that kids shouldn’t be forced to wear a mask. Other researchers have argued kids should not wear face masks regardless of vaccination status due to a low risk of COVID-19 infection. An opinion piece published in the Washington Post, by Dr. Tracy Beth Høeg, epidemiologist and an associate researcher at the University of California at Davis, among others, cited exceedingly rare risks of poor outcomes like hospitalization and death following infection in kids.
  17. This clown seems to think the market is the only measuring stick for an administration’s success. Absolutely clueless.
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