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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. And look at what we have now. Not a good look for these moderates, undecideds and lefties. What’s worse is that these “enlightened” voters are dumb enough to make the same mistake again, never even realizing the damage they’ve done. There’s no fixing this group of fools, no matter how sweet the candidate is to them.
  2. That's all I can figure, heads gotta be buried somewhere.
  3. The politics of many of these young folks are heading us in a bad direction...many want free school, free healthcare, the list goes on. They have no idea what made this country so great, it sure wasn't free stuff. The left that I refer to is not dumb at all, just the opposite, it's the folks in Washington, but a lot of their constituents, while maybe not dumb, they are very ignorant of what's going on. Anyone that voted for Biden and is now surprised at what is going on fits that description. That that group will have to be catered to does not bode well for our future. And just to be clear, you are not the problem and when I complain about the left, it ain't you I'm talking about. Even though we may disagree on some points, I can tell your position is based on research and reasoning. Lots of folks that vote don't bother to learn about who they're voting for, their policies and their past. And I know that goes both way, but the last election proved the touch feely ignorant vote is heavily weighted left.
  4. I really don't care, he makes stupid statements like folks like us wet ourselves when Trump speaks, so I feel free to lump him in with the biden voters...he seems to fit well there, sure does attempt to make their case.
  5. Oh I will, but I'll be out of here before it gets too bad. If biden is any indication, I certainly don't want to be around to see some of the future brilliant selections you younger folks will make.
  6. Exactly right, but all I hear is that they are not the problem, we must play nice and accommodate them or they vote out the next rude guy. God help us.
  7. But I guess "decent" people like yourself are ok with hanging folks out to dry in Afghanistan and thousands of illegals with God knows what streaming across the border, shutting down pipelines and selling favors to other countries in the form of Hunter's art. Yea, you and your buddies are REAL sharp, you got rid of that nasty Trump for what we have now because of your thin skin. Nice job.
  8. A Republican President has never done as equally bad a job as these fools so we may never know.
  9. Oh I will blame whoever I want, it's the folks that voted for biden that have us in this mess. I could see bad things coming, why couldn't they? We're not coming back from where we are now, you can't fix stupid, especially young millennial stupid that puts feeling over results.
  10. Scariest part of that to me is that 31% approve of the job he is doing as President. Who are these people and what could they possibly approve of that he's done.
  11. I don't like what he's saying AND I do know it's a very likely scenario. That's more of a reflection on the stupidity of the voters in this country than it is on Trump. The bold in your post is not the fault of Trump or any other candidate, it's the ignorance or many of the typical voters in this country. Trump could be completely out of the equation in 2024 and the typical American voter will be no more informed and will still make bad choices, many times based on what they hope to receive from their vote, country be damned. You guys need to quit making excuses for our pathetic constituency by blaming their bad choices on someone else. If someone voted for biden instead of Trump, the mess we have now is on them, not Trump.
  12. Don’t lose track of the fact that it’s Trump voters who are the problem in this country, not the folks that vote for this boob or joe and vp easy. We just don’t “get it” according to the troll.
  13. Too bad Joy Reid couldn't go missing...I don't think anyone would look for her.
  14. I know a guy who will do it for $25,000 😎
  15. [Hidden Content] If you wonder how aoc gets votes, her constituents are just as ignorant as she is. From the article: New Yorkers from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district who spoke with Fox News overwhelmingly said the wealthiest people in America pay among the lowest tax rates in the country, which is not supported by data. According to a Congressional Budget Office report, the top 1% of earners paid an average federal tax rate of 32% in 2017. Tax rates that year declined with income, with the poorest 20% paying an average tax rate of 1%. The Tax Policy Center found similar results. In 2018, the top 1% of income earners — those who earned more than $540,000 — earned 21% of all U.S. income while paying 40% of all federal income taxes, according to a Tax Foundation analysis. The group paid more in income taxes, about $615 billion, than the bottom 90% of taxpayers combined, or $440 billion.
  16. Some folks are naive enough to think the swamp is easy to drain.
  17. Sounds just about right for the dumbing down of America trajectory.
  18. The sheep will continue to flock out and vote for her.
  19. Agree, they do get way out there sometimes but there is truth in many of their articles that you won’t see in the MSM. I could make the same National Enquirer claim about cnn and msnbc and it would be closer to the truth.
  20. And you paint with a very liberal one…I guess Christianity is behind the times, wanting to keep folks from coming into the country illegally (terrorists included) is being an isolationist, and you are absolutely clueless about the shutdown from China. Your TDS is still showing.
  21. It’s 100% true, the exact tactics I described are what the left employs every day. If you support the wall, racist. If you support shutting down travel from China during covid, xenophobe. If you disagree with homosexuality or want bathrooms to be gender specific, homophobe.
  22. Kinda hard to follow this “science“. It’s like Texas weather, just wait, it’ll change.
  23. This is how old billy clinton fought terrorism. joe must have been paying attention.
  24. That is a load of crap. Anyone who disagrees with lefty policies is a racist, homophobe, xenopnobe, or a misogynist. Your policies are so poor that you resort to these tactics rather than make your case. Why do you think your policies have to be mandated?
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