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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Folks on the left live a tortured life, very difficult to defend their party’s policies.
  2. When it hits the fan, this will somehow be Trump’s fault.
  3. [Hidden Content] 🤦 The media / entertainment business is gonna work to redeem this creep, just watch.
  4. [Hidden Content] Well, someone has to fix the border mess, might as well be Trump and Texas because the fools in Washington aren’t going to do it.
  5. 🤦 Maybe it would be easier to make a list of things that aren’t racist.
  6. Very impressive young man.
  7. I have been waiting SO LONG for cnn’s ranking for Trump. Thank you so much.
  8. Just answer the question, his opinions have been out there a long time. Just answer the question.
  9. Does anyone on here agree with this? Just curious.
  10. You’re right, it’s not true at all. He was a cowboy then, would have been called one today.
  11. So the voter suppression continues. 🙂
  12. So Colin Powell lied too? All of Congress and several other countries lied also after seeing the same evidence Bush did and agreeing with him?
  13. 🤦 What an idiot.
  14. Agree, he was the best I have seen at handling the press. Always very prepared and could get his talking points across with a little humor mixed in, usually to call out a dumb question. RIP
  15. [Hidden Content] From the article: People laugh when they need to project dignity and control during times of stress and anxiety. In these situations, people usually laugh in a subconscious attempt to reduce stress and calm down, however, it often works otherwise. Nervous laughter is often considered fake laughter and even heightens the awkwardness of the situation. Hagar, your analysis is spot on.
  16. Did she laugh after she said that?
  17. If sucker = energy independent, secure borders, lower taxes, great SCJ picks, I’m in.
  18. Nurse, huh?
  19. No spin, too many of her ilk would be harmful to the country. She could always find a better country to represent, but I doubt it.
  20. Agree, and I am not arguing that she has no right to do this, but you shouldn’t be allowed to represent this country if you pull this crap.
  21. 🤦 This is our President!
  22. You still don’t understand what main stream media means? lol
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