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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Good post.
  2. Another great Reagan quote: "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." How true it is.
  3. He was the man!
  4. Still don’t see the biden supporters on here explaining why Trump needed to go for this fool.
  5. Agree 100%
  6. Yes they will/have, without an alternative plan in place. The biggest threat to a thriving energy sector is democrats, same goes for an unborn child.
  7. The Republicans would have to grow a pair first...one of the few that stood up to them has left town.
  8. But snow and ice can’t stop the gas and coal powered plants. 🙂
  9. She’s been a professional liar her whole political career, why stop now when she’s knows her constituents don’t know any better. It sure worked for Obama.
  10. The science doesn’t prove that global warming is man made so how about the dems back off on their ridiculous regulations until it is figured out. When I was a young man it was the same crap from the left except we were going to all die from global cooling.
  11. Good stuff, can you imagine this dingbat trying to field questions in a Trump press conference?
  12. Nobody is saying global warming or cooling isn’t real, it’s whether or not it’s man made.
  13. The best defense biden supporters could possibly come up with is he didn’t understand what he was signing. 🤦
  14. But, but, but, Trump was so mean. Don’t expect the biden supporters to defend their decision, won’t happen.
  15. Still no answer from you libs on why you support Biden. It must be a sad life to feel compelled to support a party that you know is anti-American simply because it’s not Trump. You guys are truly pathetic.
  16. #2 chimes in...still no answer to my question.
  17. Like I said, I thought so. Only one remark from the forum clown that added nothing.
  18. Exactly right, while her constituents were actively rioting, she encouraged them to keep going.
  19. Not at all...you’ll probably get crickets over there too...lol.
  20. Gotta be tough being a democrat.
  21. Chrony-capitalism at it's finest...somebody just got paid.
  22. Let's hear it, several of you wanted Trump gone because he was bad for the country. I challenge you to list the Trump policies that were harmful and list the Biden policies that are good for this country. Make your case...for once.
  23. Don't read the news much, do you? You're probably one of those that doesn't REALLY think the democrats want to take our guns...smh.
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