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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Not crazy... I like him too.
  2. No you can’t.
  3. List the policies of the Trump administration that are hurting lower and middle class families. I’m calling you a liar unless you can back up your claim. Prove me wrong.
  4. Lower taxes, economy roaring back, less regulations, conservative SCJs, fair trade, stronger military, backs the cops. What a mess.
  5. [Hidden Content] This lady is unbelievable...a true elitist. From the article: Pelosi, D-Calif., was responding to backlash after Fox News first reported that she visited a ESalonSF in San Francisco on Monday afternoon for a wash and blow-out. Salons in San Francisco had been closed since March and were only notified they could reopen on Sept. 1 for outdoor hairstyling services only. Pelosi, Wednesday, responded, saying she has been to the salon “over the years many times.” “I take responsibility for trusting the word of the neighborhood salon that I have been to many times,” Pelosi told reporters Wednesday. “When they said they could accommodate people one at a time, and we can set up that time, I trusted that.” She added: “As it turns out, it was a set up. So I take responsibility for falling for a set up.” “The salon owes me an apology for setting me up,” she added.
  6. [Hidden Content] From the article: Rubin continued. “So when you see Nancy Pelosi do this, it’s very reminiscent of just what two months ago when she’s standing in front of her twin Sub-Zero fridges with her tons of ice cream, and she’s really at the Marie Antoinette 'let them eat cake' phase of this thing, which is she’s going to live however she wants and her constituents will live another way.”
  7. And P.T. Barnum
  8. So what will happen on the 15th?
  9. So you have information that would be helpful to folks but don’t want to share it...hmmmmmm.
  10. lol...do you have your tin foil hat on?
  11. [Hidden Content] Queen nancy...always fighting for the little people.
  12. There is more to this story than what we’re hearing. I am wondering if we’re getting the true story about what these “supplies” actually were. Why do peaceful protesters need fire extinguishers? Lots of questions to be answered.
  13. I’m guessing someone involved or who knew someone involved in this tipped of law enforcement. best guess
  14. lol...I don't think they're gonna make it.
  15. Good thread for an article about joy reid...a full time liar. [Hidden Content] From the article: "Let me repeat this for those inventing the idea of 'Black Lives Matter riots.' BLM doesn’t 'riot.' They march against police violence. And note that those caught setting fires, assaulting and shooting people are consistently of the RIGHT, not the left," Reid tweeted. "So let’s stop giving in to the narrative Trump and his allies are inventing to try and help him cling to power. Autocrats always eventually get to this place: accusing the opposition of being anarchic and violent to cover up their own rot and violence." She continued, "You are MUCH more at risk from unmasked Trump cultists coming home to your suburb from a superspreader rally and coughing or sneezing on you in Walmart or touching the door handle after wiping their nose than you are from a Black Lives Matter rally." This lady lives in another world...fits right in at msnbc.
  16. Verry sorry, strength and prayers for you and family.
  17. That was surely due to Carter's policies kicking in.
  18. No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth! Ronald Reagan
  19. I'm glad they finally caught that guy, sick.
  20. Mine have done well but I'm talking about Biden messing with the actual contributions, not earnings once money is in place,
  21. Nope, never will. Biden coming up with one more way to punish hard working folks that aren’t paying their “fair share”. Maybe folks will wake up when their 401K contributions are messed with.
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